
26 January 2011

Mark Lewis: "The Lives of a Showman"

Mark Lewis (magician, hypnotist,palmist and tarot card reader) has just published his memoirs, "The Lives of a Showman."

David Ben had this to say about the book:
"The Lives of a Showman is not just a self-portrait of a magician, grafter and seer, but it is also a portrait of a landscape-one spread across several countries and continents. From night clubs in London, to hustling in Blackpool, to upheaval in Ireland during "The Troubles", and the open space of the new world. We are richer for it." —David Ben
Visit Mark's website to learn more about Mark or to purchase (or read more reviews of) his book.

[h/t: Ariel Frailich]


  1. This should be a very interesting book. Mark is a master at multiple aspects of the art, a rare thing, that and he's very funny.

  2. I am hoping this book will become a best seller not just for magicians, but for the world at large. It has all the ingredients to make history!!

  3. Steve and Roger: Thank you both for stopping by and lending your support to Mark and his new book!
