
02 April 2011

April Fooled

I only saw one major Canadian magic prank yesterday.  The Vanishing Rabbit posted this on their website and Facebook page:
After very long negotiations, I would like to annouce that The Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop has SOLD to a private Magic Shop Chain out of the United States. Although the shop will stay open and the Name will change, I will remain as a Manager and consultant, I would like to thank all who have supported my Magic Shop business the last 10 years and hope that you will remain customers of ours.

While not Canadian, this prank is certainly worth a mention!  From The Magic Newswire this post from The Magic Circle:
The Magic Circle To Mount Legal Challenge 

The Magic Circle is considering mounting a legal challenge to proposals which would see the composition of packs of playing cards dramatically altered from April 2012.
The proposals announced under European Union Directive 27745 / 3665 include the removal of the twelve Jacks, Queens and Kings from every pack of cards manufactured within the EU to reflect modern Republic Member States. A new suit of 'Stars' is to be introduced alongside the traditional Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades making the total number of cards exactly 50 in the new 'metric' packs.
Spokesman for The Magic Circle states "We are very concerned by these new rules. We very much value our Royal connections and cannot accept such a scandalous interference from the EU. The standard pack of 52 cards embodies a long legacy of cultural and magical history.”
A spokesman continues: “Frankly many of our Members are hoping to make these new rules disappear!"
Read the original post (complete with image of the new deck) here.
What April Fool's day pranks did I miss?

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