
03 April 2011

CBC: The Amazing and Astounding Invisible Women of Magic

[Edited April 4 to add link to interview with Joan and Julie.]

Prompted in part by the recent death of Dorothy Young (Houdini’s Stage Assistant), today CBC Radio One reran "The Amazing and Astounding Invisible Women of Magic" a documentary by Frank Faulk.  You can listen to it from the The Sunday Edition website (it starts at about the 22 minute mark).

Listen to Mary Ito interview of Joan Caesar and Julie Eng on the CBC program "Fresh Air" back on October 31st, 2009.   Perfect Magic has a post on women magicians at Magie Montréal.

Recent articles on the subject of women in magic from:
[h/t: John Pellatt]


  1. Thanks for posting this one; I missed the interview the first time around, and it's worth hearing!

  2. Joko: Thanks for stopping by and commenting! It was interesting for me to hear the perspectives presented. Times have changed!
