
21 May 2013

Magical Mentorship: Tony Eng Youth Fund

From the Tony Eng Youth Fund:
The goal of the Tony Eng Youth Fund is to promote and support youths as they pursue the art of magic. We believe that mentorship is an essential part of being a magician and that it is vital to form relationships with people with whom you can learn, grow and exchange information with. Our Tony Eng Educational Bursary program is dedicated to matching up-and-coming magicians with rich resources and opportunities to help jumpstart their career.

On April 2013 Magicana’s Tony Eng Youth Fund sponsored a one-week mentorship program for Trevor and Lorena Watters to study and learn from legendary magician and consultant, Johnny Thompson (The Great Tomsoni & Company) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The couple received invaluable advise from Mr. Thompson, who graciously accepted them in his home and gave them the “experience of a lifetime”.

Read more.

Read Trevor's thoughts on the experience:

It certainly sounds like it was an amazing, life changing, opportunity!

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