
25 July 2013

Welcoming a new patron: The Browser's Den of Magic!

Welcome to our newest sponsor, Jeff Pinsky from The Browser's Den of Magic!

Len and Bernice Cooper opened The Browser's Den of Magic in Toronto in 1975.  Initially, it was a place to buy books, records, games, souvenirs, and it had a little area for magic in the front corner of the shop.  In time, Len dedicated the entire shop to magic and The Den became a "home away from home" for many magicians and enthusiasts.  Vintage Toronto has an old photo up on their Facebook page.

In 1984, the store moved from its Bay and Bloor location to Bathurst and Eglinton.  The Coopers retired from the magic store business in 1995 and handed over the keys to its current owner, Jeff Pinsky.  In 2011 The Den moved to its current home at 3220 Dufferin St. It is the Toronto's oldest brick and mortar magic shop!  (Let's face it, stuff like this will never happen when you're shopping online.)

Jeff first became interested in magic in the 1970s.  He owned and operated a magic shop at Canada's Wonderland for 14 seasons.   I first met Jeff when I joined Ring 17, back in 19 *mumble* *mumble*.  I remember him being warm and friendly, just as he is now!

You can read Jeff's posts at the Browser's blog where he writes about life, lectures and other musings.  One of my favourite posts dates back to May of this year, where he talks about how he "finds it interesting getting older."

The Den also has an active Facebook group and Twitter account.

On a visit to Browser's you are likely to see the smiling and helpful faces of Jeff's fabulous team:  Shawna Ross-York, Lisa Close and Dennis.

As part of Jeff's commitment to fostering excellence in the magic community, he initiated the Len Cooper Memorial Award in 2003.  This honour is awarded annually to a magician who is less than 25 years old and is serious about magic and shows potential to continue to strive in 'magic'.

Thank you Jeff, for your ongoing support of the magic community and for your sponsorship of Canada's Magic!

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