
25 November 2013

Happy third blogiversary to me!

Three years ago today, I published the very first post at this website.  Thanks to you wonderful people who have supported this project!  More than 1,303 posts have been published, more than 46,000 page  loads have been served.  Eight-one of you have given us your thumbs-up on Facebook, more than 500 of you are following along on Twitter (5940 tweets and counting!), and approximately 80 of you have subscribed to this site's feed.  The bulk of you are Canadian, and I'm delighted to see visitors from United States, France, Spain, the United Kingdom,  Hong Kong, Portugal, Germany, and the list goes on.

There are so many of you doing such a fabulous job of making magic a priority in this great country!

Many thanks to all of you, for reading, subscribing, re-tweeting, liking, sharing, submitting news, corresponding, making me aware of typos, guest posting, sponsoring and especially for your wonderful feedback and continued support!

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