
01 April 2014

Going for it!

I've spent the past 3+ years posting notices of performances, lectures, awards and achievements at this blog.  At the back of my mind, a seed was planted.
"I can do that."

It was small and quiet at first.  A hushed whisper of a thought.  Easy to ignore.
"I can do that."

As the days and months progressed, the inner voice grew slowly but surely.  The everyday busy made it easy to discount.  There are bills and groceries and errands and accounting and schedules that need my attention. 

But with every post about a magical success story, the notion became more entrenched.
"I can do that."

Most recently at Ring 17 members night I was delighted to see so many members go to the front of the room and just go for it.  And so, the subconscious niggling finally asserted itself to the conscious mind.
"I can do that.  Go and do it!"

The time has come for me to put all of my free time towards mastering the craft of magic.  Toronto magician and five year producer of Abracadabaret, James Alan, has agreed to take me under his wing.  (I've watched him very patiently teach children.  He's going to need all of his patience to get me stage ready!)

To increase my motivation, a downtown Toronto venue has been booked in the middle of October, for my first solo show.  It is with tremendous gratitude that I thank James for clearing his schedule to assist with coaching me, as well as both producing and directing this project.  Accordingly, posting at this site will be infrequent to nonexistent over the next while.

Details of the upcoming performance will be released when the timing is right.  Timing, as they say, is everything.

And with that I remind you, dear readers, to check the timing (and especially the date) of publication of this announcement.

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