
13 July 2014

How well do you know me?

When I started this site back in 2010, I did so pseudo-anonymously.  In part because I'm a private person, and partly because I didn't want who I am to influence this bloggy experiment.

As the site gained traction, I've been fascinated learning who you some of you think I am.  Typically the guesses have been very flattering, but wrong!  There are still a number of you out there who don't know me, that think you have an idea of who I am.  Let's see how right you are.

For fun, fill out the poll below.  People who know my (not so) secret identity are welcome to participate.  The poll will close in 13 days.  (For a score and bragging rights, e-mail me your answers or post them in the comments.)

The person behind the curtain at Canada's Magic:

  • is shorter than the average of the heights of Richard Forget, Ryan Pilling, James Alan and David Acer
  • is / has been on the executive of CAM
  • is / has been on the executive of IBM
  • was born in Western Canada
  • was born in Central Canada
  • was born in Eastern Canada
  • performs / performed magic professionally
  • performs / performed magic semi-professionally
  • performs / performed with live animals
  • box jumps / jumped
  • has recently (within the past 5 years) published a book
  • has created and marketed at least one original magic effect
  • has been involved in the magic community for more than 10 years
  • has been involved in the magic community for more than 20 years
  • has been involved in the magic community for more than 30 years
  • has at least two X chromosomes (making them either female or a male with Klinefelter's syndrome)

If you're feeling confident, leave the name of who you think I am in the comments.  (Unless you really do know.)

Let the games begin!

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