
30 July 2014

They're all fabulous, of course!

What do the following people have in common, other than the fact that they're all Canadian magicians?

Any idea?

Maybe this will help.  The following magicians also have the same thing in common:

They are a fabulous group of people to be sure!   Words can't describe what an opportunity it would be, to be able to be shoulder-to-shoulder in a room with these bright minds and seasoned performers.  What about spending a week with them?

If you're a kid between the ages of 8 and 18, you can!

All of the above folks are scheduled to be at the 2014 season of Sorcerers Safari Magic and Performance Camp!  (You can read my thoughts on Sorcerers Safari in my post "The secret to Sorcerers Safari's success" or watch the 2013 Magic Camp documentary.)

There will also be many other wonderful and talented people at camp this year.  Too numerous to count.  My apologies if you're going to be there and I neglected to get your name down.

This year Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp runs from Friday August 15th through to Wednesday August 20th.  There's still room for a few last-minute registrations.  Register at

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