
09 January 2016

Shawn Farquhar at the Magic Castle

From Shawn Farquhar's Facebook page:
For more than nearly thirty years I have quite regularly been invited to perform at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California. At one time my manager was even the booking agent and I kept saying no thank you. It's not that I didn't dream of performing in this amazing venue, I just had this dream that was a little more. My dream was to perform in all three major showrooms in a single week. That's more than 63 shows in seven days in all disciplines of the art of magic. Not many would be able to do this with any level of success. I've always believed I was up to the challenge. I've resigned myself to the fact it's a dream and will not become a reality. So, I finally said yes. That's right, I've never performed at the Magic Castle... ever. If you have ever wanted to go to the Magic Castle and needed an excuse or guest pass, or you go often and want to join in the fun, it's time to make your reservations. I'll be coming to play March 14th to the 20th. I'll also have a special lecture on Saturday, March 19th in the Palace of Mystery. 
Read more.

Watch on YouTube, the Vanishing Bottle video Shawn recorded this past New Year's Eve:

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