
20 January 2016

Toronto: Browser's Bash announces more names!

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From the Browser's Den of Magic Facebook page:

Pound for pound, the Browser's Magic Bash packs in more magic with more value for your dollar than anything we have offered you. Where else can you get a scrumptious free lunch & dinner, and twelve hours of magic with so many top name magicians?


Therefore, without further adieu, we'd like to share more wonderful names with you. These artists will appear at this year's Bash. In no particular order, it's our pleasure to announce:

MICHAEL CLOSE: A student of the conjuring arts for over fifty years, Mike Close is a 
sleight of hand artist, talented musician, author and inveterate joke teller whose stories have brought gales of laughter from audiences around the world.
DICK JOINER: With his infectious hysterical laugh, fun-loving zany manner and high paced interactive comedy magic, Dick Joiner plans to delight and astound us all day long.
BOBBY MOTTA: His ultra-thrilling style and mesmerizing technique grabs hold and doesn't let go, blurring the lines between reality and the paranormal realms.
GORDON PRECIOUS: As a special treat, 91 yr. old Gordon Precious will appear for his first
 time ever at a magic convention with his wonderful handling of the Vanishing Bird cage.
JASON PALTER: Jason Palter, Comic Magician, has absolutely no setting between 'high' and 'off', and when he’s completely unleashed at the Bash you’ll understand exactly what we're talking about. Trust us, you'll see!
GREG FREWIN: Greg Frewin is a FISM winning, theatre owning, 5-shows-a-week performing, all-around amazing magician. Like last year, this true Canadian hero will spend the day with us, then hit the Bash stage to blow our minds with a magical treat.


TOM MULLICA: You've read about him, and seen him on video. Now it's time to meet Tom Mullica. One of America's finest comedy magicians and sleight of hand artists joins us all day long at the Browser's Bash!
DANIEL GARCIA: Daniel Garcia comes with powerful magic with practical methods. Stand 
back & watch this explosion of creativity as he will have you laughing just as hard as you're fooled! Magic has never been so cool!
JAMES HARRISON: As Canada's pickpocket magician, James borrows pens, watches, wallets, 
and even belts from spectators watching. Before you can yell thief, James has returned the valuables to their rightful owners by making them reappear in unexpected places!
BEN TRAIN: Combining humor, psychology, and a little old-fashioned chutzpah, Ben Train creates an experience that will have you laughing out loud while your mind is being blown. Mystery and non-stop laughs follow where ever he goes. Luckily, he's at the Bash all day long!
LOUIE LEBETJIS: For those who love card table artifice, secret sleights, & serious 
advantage play - seek out Big Lou during this Bash. His chops are top-notch, plus he will astound you. Move over Charming Cheat, there's a new kid in town.
CHRIS MAYHEW: Some say Chris Mayhew is disarming, charming, and will make you laugh 
out loud with his uniquely entertaining brand of magic. Others say he's just plain crazy! We will let you be the judge.
JOE DENG: All the way from Changsha, China by way of Beijing, Joe Deng is a master
 of close-up magic. He's revered by every single magician in his 
homeland, and now it's time that you meet and spend time with him.
MICHAEL LAM: Multi-talented and multilingual, the Hong Kong magician brings his 
specially honed sleight of hand across the pond specifically for our day of fun. Known for creating the illusion of impossible, be mesmerized by the artistic magic of Michael Lam.

Saturday, April 2nd will be a day that we will all be together celebrating our common love for magic. If this fun sounds like the time you're looking for, please take two minutes to register for the 2016 Browser's Magic Bash at our official Bash website -

We hope you will join us. Book your ticket today, and see you at the Bash!

Thank you for your support.

Magical Hugs,
Jeff Pinsky
(Your faithful magic shopkeeper)

ps. The gold section is almost sold out, with the silver section not too far behind. Don't wait any longer to reserve your seats.

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