
12 February 2018

Sleightly Sketchy: Steal*

Updated at 2:30pm to add a link to a post Shawn Farquhar made on Facebook today.

We're not even halfway through the second month of 2018 and already two significant conflicts regarding intellectual property (IP) rights have surfaced.  At the end of January, Shawn Farquhar posted his most recent encounter with IP theft.  A short seven days later, Michael Close posted this about his new Paradigm Shift ebooks.  (And six days after that, another incident identified in a FB post from Shawn.) And that's just Canadian magicians.

Scroll down to the end of this post to see how you can get involved in combating this type of piracy.

* With thanks to Kidlet for providing the inspiration for the last panel.

 From Michael Close's Facebook page:

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