
12 August 2023

An update and wheelchair jokes from Miranda Allen

Thanks for the update Miranda!  Nice to see you're in good spirits.  Take good care.


From the July 4th Instagram post by Miranda Allen:

Holy smokes, making this was so exhausting! I’m so happy I finally did it.
I’m gonna go take a nap while you read this description 😆

My condition is called ME/CFS.
It is a complex, chronic, fluctuating, neurological condition which affects the autonomic nervous system and cellular ATP energy output…. What?!

I’ll break it down:
COMPLEX = a condition affecting multiple systems in the body.
CHRONIC = it’s gonna last a long time.
FLUCTUATING = sometimes it is better, sometimes it is worse, sometimes it’s a symptom severity mix and match.
What I can do one day, I may not be able to do another.
NEUROLOGICAL = affecting the brain and nerves.
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM = the part of your nervous system (brain & nerves) that controls subconscious body functions, IE: all the stuff you don’t have to think about like heart rate, breathing, digestion, sending blood to in-use muscles, dilating pupils, etc.
CELLULAR ATP ENERGY OUTPUT = remember the mitochondria?  Powerhouse of the cell.
In short, inside our cells mitochondria turn oxygen & nutrients into a chemical called ATP, which your body uses as energy.
In ME/CFS patients this process is messed up. Our mitochondria are in rough shape and produce HALF the energy of a healthy person.
Our bodies literally cannot make enough energy to function.

Hence, a complex, chronic, fluctuating, neurological condition which affects the autonomic nervous system and cellular ATP energy output. 😊

Thanks for watching and reading.
Please give this reel a “like” if you’ve come this far because I dunno where I’m going with this all, but I imagine likes will help. 😄



From the July 23rd Instagram post by Miranda Allen:

Wheelchair jokes!
Here’s 90 seconds of a ten minute set I’m working on about things I’ve noticed &/or learned since becoming an ambulatory wheelchair user. 



 From the July 30th Instagram post by Miranda Allen:




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