
08 October 2023

An update from The Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop

From the September 14th Facebook post by The Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop:

Hi All Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop Customers,

It has come to a point where I needed to address that we will not be opening a Brick and Mortar magic Shop but will remain as an online shop. I will be retiring soon and there is really no use in signing a two or three year lease especially when most landlords these days want a 5-10 year lease in Calgary. The magic community in Calgary is older and not interested in buying anything new as all the shelves are full but getting rid of their old stuff which doesnt keep a magic shop open. If you know of anyone looking to buy my remaining inventory Lets work out a deal !! Shipping from Canada  

I closed my doors 3 months into covid, because my lease ran out, I waited until covid was over and tried to think outside the box by going to all the hobby stores in Calgary and asking them if they wanted to lease to me 6 feet in their store. Thats's 1 - 6 foot showcase, which I still own, and they all declined, which I still today do not understand. YES I even went and talked to Scott and Charlie at Don's Hobby shop to see if they wanted to put a magic shop back into their store and that was declined as well. 

So I do not have much inventory left because of my incredible prices online but what I do have left will be slowy discounted even more and let go, then I will sell off my personal collection or vintage magic props, books, autographs and magic posters and my wife and I will head back to Barbados to visit friends until we get tired of it 

I grew up in the best time in magic with Micky Hades, John Kaplan, Murray Hatfield, Scott Imler, Paul Alberstat, Shawn Farquhar and The Magic Palace with Dale Harney being filmed in Calgary where all the TOP Magicians came through to the local TV station, and the Micky Hades Fun and Film Festivals which I attended only a couple. I was one of the founding members of the IBM Ring 66 in Calgary by signing the original charter and enjoyed those meetings every month as it was all about friendship and sharing.  

How did I get interested in magic?? Send me an email at and if your right I will send you a 30% off discount card for the items I have instock  

I dont see where magic is headed other than the now cookie cutter .....tattoos, beards, hats and playing cards. Have we not learned yet to be yourself in magic and not copy other people like Chris Ramsey sheeeeesh. I asked Micky Hades one day where he thought magic was headed and he said that in time it will all swing around again from what it is now to what it was. I hope it does, as magic when I grew up was the best ! 

For now I remain performing magic in a few restaurants and doing shows for families, friends and public and remain humble about the fantastic opportuinites magic has given me.



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