
25 May 2024

[Guest post] An Irregular Series of Original Patter - Dicey Dots

The following is a guest post from an author who wishes to be known as The Magic Demon.


An Irregular Series of Original Patter

Exclusive to Canada’s Magic

Daryl’s Dicey Dots is an entertaining close up trick but the concept of dice might seem more suitable for adults than children.

My scripting solves that dilemma! (It’s also a fun presentation for the young at heart of all ages.)


“Once upon a time, there was an awesome Princess/Prince [name of young spectator here].

She loved collecting things. It was her passion.

One day when she was seven years old (in the distant past/in the not too distant future) she collected some dots.

She loved her dots.

But how could she ever keep them safe?

She asked her Grand Old Wizard for help. He conjured up a magical cube and placed her dots on it.


This is the origin of the die - which is what you call a single dice. Did you know that?

The Princess was so happy. Every morning and every night she counted her dots.

Can you count them too?


That’s right. There are 21 in all. But let me show you a curious thing.


If you look closely, you’ll see each pair of opposite numbers added together makes seven. Six plus one, two plus five, three plus four and so on, Isn’t that interesting? That’s because the Princess was seven when she collected her dots.

Now take them back and hold them [the die] ever so tight. Don’t let go until I say so. So the Princess loved her dots and when she wasn’t counting them always, always held them tight. One day, not so long afterwards, she wished she could see more than just the few dots on one side of the magic cube at a time. So she sent again for her Grand Old Wizard.

She asked, oh Grand Old Wizard, can you make it so I can see all my lovely dots at the same time?

The Grand Old Wizard pondered this request and then produced a tiny magic wand which was sparkling clean on both sides.

He said, I shall use this magic wand to grant you your wish. Do you know any magic words? [USE THEM OR UTTER YOUR OWN, THEN] And so saying the magic words, the wizard waved the tiny wand on her tightly closed hand, and the magic wand was suddenly covered in dots.

Can you count how many? Yes, exactly twenty one. They were indeed her beloved dots, she recognized them right away, magically transported to the wand so now she could look at all 21 at once!

Oh Grand Old Wizard, thank you, cried the Princess! I can now look at all these lovely dots at once. But whatever shall I do about all the old dots still on my magic cube?

Take a look, replied the wizard, and so she opened her hand and found all the old dots on her cube had vanished. They had indeed been magically transported to the tiny wand. So he let her have both the magic wand with her 21 favourite dots and the blank cube to examine for a very long time.

And that’s the story of the Princess and her beloved dots and how dice came to have 21 on each. Believe it or not!

The End!”


Daryl’s Dicey Dots has been recently re-re-released and the props are easy to handle. Available now from your favourite dealer such as  The Browser’s Den of Magic, Toronto.

DISCLAIMER: The author received no compensation for writing this whimsical nonsense and paid retail for the aforementioned, highly recommended trick.

- The Magic Demon



Thank you The Magic Demon for guest posting at Canada's Magic!






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