
31 January 2018

Top 5 posts in January 2018

Out of the 42 posts at Canada's Magic this month, here are the 5 most viewed posts in the past 30 days:

5. 2017 Readers' Choice award results - Congratulations again to all our nominees (Ryan Brown, Neil Croswell, Caiden Finch, and Murray & Teresa Hatfield)!  Special congratulations to Julie Eng (Editor's Choice) and Benzi Train, winner of the Readers' Choice award!
4. Calgary: The Sixth Annual WowFest Magic Arts Festival - It's coming up fast! Be sure to take good notes (and then send them to me).
3. Top 5 posts in December 2017 - Things are getting a little bit meta.
2. Rounding the Central rings in January 2018 - Anything newsworthy happen at your club meeting?

and the most viewed post this month  ...

1. You Laugh, You Lose, Canadian magician edition - Definitely NSFW.

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