
28 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 11

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<<  part 10  |  part 12 >>


Part 11 features:  Michael Kras, David Mitchell, Ray Anderson, and Jordan Murciano


  Michael Kras  
Theatre artist, playwright, director, magic director,

Attended as a camper in 2006 and 2009.


Since his time at camp Michael has:

  • Had the privilege of serving as the resident magic associate for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in Toronto and have directed and designed magic effects for multiple other theatre productions! On top of that, he's pursued a career as a playwright, achieving numerous professional productions and awards for his work.

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • How do I pick only one??? I suppose one that sticks out to me was the time I put my stubbornness aside and committed myself to unlearning a sleight I had taught myself incorrectly and relearning the proper handling after an instructor pointed out my error. I then found that instructor at the end of the week and proudly showed him my progress. 
    • Either that, or Daniel Garcia phoning David Blaine for us!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • At Sorcerers Safari, I learned to always be learning. I've stayed a student ever since, less intent on settling and more intent on taking steps forward at all times, big or small. 


Sorcerers Safari took me out of my magic echo chamber and introduced me to a wider world of perspectives, debates, and life lessons. Magic camp made me a more rounded magician and artist, while also putting some much-needed cracks in my social shell.



  David Mitchell  
Tech for

Attended camp from 2004 to 2006 as a counsellor, and from 2006 to 2015 as staff (except for 2008).

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • My first year attending, being in initiated into the camp by the likes of Lee Asher and Steven Kline and accurately suspecting there would be some shenanigans during the event. 
    • Even though I had prepared ahead of time and thought myself to be smarter, I would be foiled by safety features of the swim docks. 
    • Thank goodness it was nighttime. 
    • In later years being able to participate in the now 'Formal' induction of new camp volunteers and staff into the Sorcerers Safari Family cemented the bond that we all shared.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Though I haven't seen some of the staff and campers for a while, they are my partners in crime. We share a joy for a craft that can make the intangible a memory that lasts forever. While I only ever missed two years during my time associated with the camp (my daughter was scheduled to be born during camp week 2008, and we adopted my second daughter the last year camp ran. My oldest still remembers fondly the times she was able to go to camp and participate.
    • I also remember being able to assist in having Ellusionist donate decks and how the campers would always react to getting a new just released deck of cards that most people haven't seen before. The kids always showed their appreciation and made sure to thank myself and the owner of the company. 
    • Working for a Magic company has given me a unique perspective of the magic industry and the evolution of effects and the seasons of what is popular in magic.


I am honoured to have been a part of something that has impacted so many people in so many positive ways, and I am always thrilled to read about former campers now turned professional working magicians.



  Ray Anderson  
Professional magician,

Attended camp during the first four or five years as counsellor and staff.


Since his time at camp Ray:

In his own words:

  • Being around those with the same mind set challenges us to be better.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Watching the campers enjoy each and every day .. so many great memories

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Life changing!



  Mind Bender, aka Jordan Murciano 
Professional magician,

Attended as a camper from 2011 to 2015.

Since his time at camp Jordan has:

  • Performed suspension straitjacket escape over a bed of nails, and 
  • Placed in a wooden crate then had the crate engulfed in fire. 
  • He also had the opportunity to film a TV show about his escapes.

In his own words:

  • Sorcerers Safari gave me the opportunity to meet real life magicians and escape artist from around the world e.g. Scott Hammell.  Spending the time learning about Escapology [with Scott] was an incredible opportunity.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Late night jam sessions with the cabins!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Skills, knowledge, experiences.


Magic camp allowed young performers to be as creative as possible while also giving them an extensive amount of knowledge.


Thank you Michael, David, Ray, and Jordan for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

<<  part 10  |  part 12 >>



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