
18 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 5

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<< part 4  |  part 6 >>


Part 5 features:  Dennis Gorya, Loran, and Mark Clearview


  Dennis Gorya  

Attended Sorcerers Safari as a camper.

Since his time at camp Dennis has:

  • Run a successful consulting company working with super star clients.

In his own words:

  • Camp helped me develop self confidence and a deeper ability in performance, sales and routine.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • The polar dip :)

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Attitude follows you in all that you do.



Professional magician,

Attended camp from 2000 to 2016 as staff.

Since his time at camp Loran has:

  • Opened for AC-DC and the Rolling Stones in Toronto.

  • Editor's note:  Loran was too modest to include his submission that he published the book “The Fabulous Book of Magic Secrets” available in English and French.

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Scare all the campers with a ghost story. Houahaha!!!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Tons of wonderful memories.



  Mark Clearview 
Professional magician,

Attended camp in: 

  • 2008 - 2011 as a camper, 
  • 2012 as a counsellor in training (CIT), and 
  • 2013-2016 as counsellor.


Since his time at camp Mark:

  • Set a world record  
    [Longest Amount of Time Wearing a Straitjacket, World Record - 2014],
  • Moved to New York City and has has own monthly show Magic, Unlocked
  • Has performed all over the world,
  • Cruise Ship Magician on Virgin Voyages,
  • Appeared on Penn and Teller: Fool Us 

In his own words:

  • Literally all of my accomplishments were made easier having gone to camp!
  • Scott Hammell is my mentor and we went to Sorcerers Safari together. 
  • Aaron Fisher is a mentor who opened so many doors for me. 
  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • My first time hosting the camper show. I remember my magic wasn't near as good as anyone else's. Those kids were schooling me! Even up to my counsellor years. But when I hosted that show I realized I had something. I could perform. And Lee Asher came up to me after the show and said "you're going places" the first of which was the bathroom to throw up.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • My friendship with Scott Hammell, Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Jonah Babins, Ben Train, Mind Bender, Keith Brown, etc.

My craft got stronger. My magic got better. I got funnier. The opportunity to host shows and perform and meet friends in the community. I cannot say enough good things!


Thank you Dennis, Loran, and Mark for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

<< part 4  |  part 6 >>



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