
26 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 8

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<< part 7  |  part 9 >>


Part 8 features:  Jesse Arndt, Dan McLean Jr, and Rosemary Reid


  Jesse Arndt  
Graphics installer and Sign maker.

Attended as a camper in 2007.

Since his time at camp Jesse has:

  • Performed for events, parties and private shows.

In his own words:

  • Learning magic within the Sorcerers Safari magic camp community made me a more confident person talking to groups of people.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Learning card magic and different sleight of hand secret moves from some of the very best such as, Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Ben Train, Steven Kline, Mike D’Urzo!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • All of the above when it comes to making new friendships, and connections with people when it comes to magic and the playing card industry!


Such an amazing experience at this camp!
A once in a lifetime experience! 



  Dan McLean Jr  
Live Music Production Professional (Musician),

Attended camp from 2001-2016 as Cabin Counsellor, Bus Coordinator and occasional instructor.


Since his time at camp Dan has:

  • Finished recording an album of original music, and is almost finished recording and “unplugged” EP of more original music.
  • Had a couple of my patters/scripts used by professional magicians. So gratifying.

In his own words:

  • As a magic hobbyist, much of my performing experience was at Sorcerers Safari, so the pros who've used my script ideas are people I met at camp.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Sneaking in to join Lee Asher's card classes. Oh! And the "Camper Shows"! 
    • The “Camper Shows” were at the end of the week where campers performed on the big stage. Many of them did magic they learned that week at camp!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Definitely the people. I have many good friends that I met at camp, including several who were young campers when we met.

Those years at camp are some of my best memories. I’m so proud to have been part of encouraging young people to be creative, positive, and active.

Sorcerers Safari was "my happy place" for many years. I still tell people about it all the time.



  Rosemary Reid 
Professional magician,

Attended camp for 17 years as Camper, Counsellor, Staff, and Instructor.

Since her time at camp Rosemary:

  • Conducted the largest survey in the magic industry on the experience of women magicians, 
  • Produced SISTERHOOD Playing Cards as a vehicle of information to communicate the results, and
  • Writes monthly articles for CARD CULTURE Magazine discussing the contributions to the industry of those who often go unnoticed or under appreciated.

In her own words:

  • Through Sorcerers Safari I met my magic community, who would turn into dear friends. My best friends are from magic camp, as well as my magic mentors. It's impossible to imagine what my life would look like if I'd never attended magic camp!  [Emphasis added.]

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Time spent in the evenings around the campfire, hearing magic anecdotes from time's past, telling jokes and getting to know the special guests and instructors.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • My community <3.



Thank you Jesse, Dan, and Rosemary for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

<< part 7  |  part 9 >>



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