
31 October 2023

Random thoughts about "An Evening of Magic and Laughter"

Last Friday, KOP and I ventured to Brampton to see An Evening of Magic and Laughter with Matt DiSero, headliner Steve Valentine, and emcee Evan Carter.  I'd seen adverts these three a number of times.  I know that Matt and Steve are guaranteed to entertain, and I'd heard excellent things about Evan Carter.   


TLDR:  A show bursting with magic and laughter!





Here are some random thoughts about the show:

Also at the show (in no particular order):
- Glenn Ottaway
- Richard Forget
- David Merry
- Ray Anderson
- Artemus Syman 
- Ian Batterbury, and
- Gord Gardiner!
  • The Rose Theatre in Brampton is a beautiful cozy theatre where almost all of the seats have a fantastic view of the stage.  I hope to get back to see more shows here. 
  • Evan Carter lives up to his reputation.  He made hilarious observations about everyday life and was family friendly.  He quickly and expertly won over the audience. 
  • Matt DiSero took the stage and did not disappoint! 
  • Matt leaned into playing in his hometown and the audience loved it! 
  • His years of experience and lessons learned on the road shone through and in spite of the fact that Hartnell wasn't behaving, we saw Matt at his best.

  • The highlight of Matt's act was his selection of volunteer Camilla.  This five year old had just the right ratio of adorableness, impulsiveness, and respect for authority.  It was a delight to watch Matt guide her through the piece and let her shine like a star!

From the October 29th Instagram post by Matt DiSero, Camilla and Matt:


  • A brief intermission followed.
  • Steve Valentine took the stage by storm and never looked back!

  • The hand may be quicker than they eye, but Steve produces magic effects faster than my brain can absorb them!
  • There was some difficulty with the tech and there was no AV for his show.  Those familiar with Steve's show, know that there are a ridiculous number of AV cues with multimedia woven throughout his set.  IT DIDN'T MATTER.  Steve ran through his show, improvising AV at times to great comedic effect, and no one was the wiser.

  • Things were thrown, things were produced, things vanished, and the laws of physics were stood on their ear.

  • Much of Steve's show was similar to the show he presented at Jokers, with minor tweaks and polishes. 

  • There were also brilliant additions (to already strong pieces) that were absolutely amazing and well received.  (Who wouldn't want to leave the show with a box of kisses from Steve?)
  • It was interesting for me, to see his show play in a theatre after seeing it first in a comedy club.  It was just as fabulous in the theatre as it was in a more intimate setting.  Steve masterfully delivers in any venue size.

  • As I've said before, it is obvious to the casual observer that Steve takes his role as entertainer seriously.  It is equally obvious that he doesn't take himself seriously, which always endears him to the audience.

All in all it was a wonderful evening of entertainment by highly seasoned performers giving us their very best!


Thank you gentlemen, for sharing with us the gift of your talent!




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