
25 November 2023

It's the 13th blogiversary of Canada's Magic!

Thirteen years ago today this blog was born!


13 years of magic news by Canada's Magic

Design shamelessly appropriated from the 1958,
first UK hardcover edition of
"13 Steps to Mentalism" by Tony Corinda.



Thanks to you wonderful people who have supported this project!

For free, we've published over 5,560 posts, and served well over 1,537,000 page loads.  Eight hundred and seven of you follow us on Facebook, 1587 of you follow us on Twitter, 454 of you have found us on Instagram, and a bunch of you have subscribed to this site's RSS feed or subscribed by email.  The bulk of you are Canadian, and we're delighted to see visitors from United States, the United Kingdom, India, France, and the list goes on.

There are so many of you doing a fabulous job of making magic a priority in this great country!


A special thanks to:


Continued thanks to all of you! 


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