
07 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 1

August is the time of Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp.

I continue to feel extraordinarily grateful that I had the opportunity to experience Sorcerers Safari as an embedded reporter, a parent of a camper, an impromptu cabin counsellor, and an arts and crafts instructor.  It was the highlight of my summer for five years!

The Canadian sleep away magic camp, Sorcerers Safari, was the brainchild of Mike Segal and Mike Toal.  It was produced annually by Mike and Jen Segal.  Located in Haliburton, Ontario, it hosted a yearly gathering of magicians and magic enthusiasts from across the world.  In 2016, after 20 seasons, a bus full of magic campers left Haliburton for the very last time.  

This time of year has magic camp staff and alumni reminiscing about our time at Sorcerers Safari.  It's the perfect time to share with you this occasional series, “The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari.” 

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

Almost thirty of you have responded with your most cherished memories of camp as well as your significant accomplishments since camp. 

If you completed the survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment! 

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:

Thank you to all that contributed!  

Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
>> part two >>


Part 1 features:  Sam Pearce, Byron Berry, and Ben Train.


Professional magician,
  Sam Pearce  

Attended camp for 2 years (approximately 2006 and 2007) as a camper.

Since his time at camp Sam has:

  • Performed cross-Canada tours, entertaining Canada's top executives.

In his own words:

  • On top of learning great magic, it was an amazing behind-the-scenes look at the magic biz

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Meeting magicians I admire, working backstage at the theatre.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • I made some great friends, and learned a ton about how to make a career as a magician.



  Byron Berry   Registered Nurse.

Attended camp:  2010 - 2011 as a camper.

Since his time at camp Byron has been a:

  • Bartender Magician,
  • Hospital Magician, and a
  • London Magician’s Guild Member.

In his own words:

  • Absolutely all of them [his accomplishments] are because of, or were made easier by my time at Sorcerers Safari.  I’m still connected with camp goers to this day.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Shawn Farquhar teaching me the Classic Force.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • I have learned that skill does not come overnight, as demonstrated by my terrible dancing cane act on the camper’s show lol!

I’m all for bringing this back, please Mike! 



  Ben Train   Professional magician,

Attended camp from 2000-2016. CIT (counsellor in training, 2000-2001), Counsellor, Staff.

Since his time at camp Ben has:

  • Delivered magic lectures in more than 70 cities around the world.
  • He co-runs, a company that produces magic shows!

In his own words:

  • ALL of my accomplishments were made easier having gone to camp. 
  • I gained knowledge but also confidence because of camp!

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • My legal council advises I don't answer” this.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • My friends and my love for community-building.

Bring back camp! Sorcerers 2.0!!!! 


Thank you Sam, Byron, and Ben, for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff! 

part 2 >>

 part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12


 Learn more about Sorcerers Safari 


 part 2 >>


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