13 January 2017

Sorcerers Safari 2016: Dear Mike and Jen

When I wasn't co-counselling at Sorcerers Safari last summer, I was asking a lot people a lot of questions.  One of the questions was, "What would you like to share with Magic Mike and Jen?"

Here are some of the answers I heard last August (in no particular order):

"I can't begin to imagine how much work goes into creating something like Sorcerers Safari.  I hope it goes on forever and that I can be a part of it."  -- Wes Barker (Guest: 2016.)

"Keep up the good work and thanks for the awesome experience!" -- Emil D. (Camper: 2016.)

"I had a really fun time.  Thanks for asking me to come and help the kids.  It helped me to be a better teacher." -- Suzanne (Special guest: 2016.)

"Sorcerers Safari is the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life.  It's changed my life.  The work put into making magic camp happen is magic itself!" -- Christian M. (Camper: 2016.)

"Keep it up!  Don't stop 'til you drop!  (and don't drop!)" -- Vincent C. (Camper: 2014-2016.)

"Keep up the good work, everyone here loves it!  I'm happy to call Sorcerers Safari my second home." -- Curtis M. (Camper: 2013-2015; CIT: 2016.)

"What you're doing is an extraordinary and wonderful thing.  I hope you can continue!" -- Ben A. (Camper: 2015-2016.)

"The world would be pretty bland without people like you.  It takes great courage to strikeout and start something like this. Thank you!"  -- Daniel W. (Camper: 2011-2016.)

"Thank you for having camp.  It's really fun and I hope it can keep going forever." -- Angelique S. (Camper: 2013-2016.)

"Camp is a favourite part of my summer.  I'm excited every year to attend!" -- Lucinda M. (Camper: 2008-2014; CIT: 2015-2016.)

"Thank you for all you do, especially for dedicating your time.  You are great people!" -- Stephanie T. (Camper: 2015-2016.)

It's worth mentioning that in 2016, the girls had a 100% return rate of campers from 2015 (and some new faces and old friends too!).
"Keep doing this!" -- Hadar S. (Camper: 2016.)

"Thanks for 20 years of Sorcerers Safari, even if I've only been here for two of them  They've been the best parts of my summers!  Please don't stop, keep magic camp going.  I can't wait for more magic!" -- Trek B. (Camper: 2015-2016.)

"Thank you so much! You're awesome and amazing!"  -- Ryan G. (Camper: 2015-2016.)

"You're doing an awesome job!  Keep on doing it!" -- Shade K. (Camper: 2016.)

"Thank you so much for being you!  Never stop!" -- Tyler Williams (Camper: 2008-2011; CIT: 2012-2013; Staff: 2014-2016.)

"Thank you for everything you do for Sorcerers Safari and for inspiring so many young magicians to keep doing what they love." -- Jeff P. (CIT: 2015, Camper: 2016.)

"Thank you for changing my life for the better and helping me find true joy in magic.  My love of teaching was inspired from here.  Thanks for letting me come!" -- Aaron Fisher (Special Guest: 2003; Instructor: 2004-2016.)

Thank you Jen and Mike for your vision, your courage, your tenacity, and above all your passion for this project! We are better people because of it.

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