
31 August 2023

Top 5 posts in August 2023

There were 42(!) posts at Canada's Magic this month.  The popular posts statistics have been hugely skewed by the 12 part series "The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari" which eclipsed all of our regular offerings, so we're considering the series as a single post.  Here are the most viewed posts in the past 30 days: 

5. An update and wheelchair jokes from Miranda Allen - Thanks for the update Miranda.  Great example of making lemonade!
4. Toronto: There's magic at the 2023 CNE [Aug 18 - Sep 4] - There's still time to catch Double Vision, Majinx, and The Sentamentalists! 
3. Dean Gunnarson's "Escape or Die!" now on Tubi [free] - Catch up on Dean's show before seeing him in Quebec next month! 

2. Carisa Hendrix to join cast of Teatro ZinZanni Chicago [Oct - Mar] - A spectacular addition to their cast!

and the most viewed post this month  ...

1.  "The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari" - We are beyond pleased that this series was so well received!  For those of you who are curious as the popularity of the individual parts of the series, it looked something like this (in order of most viewed):
part 3 | part 1 | part 4 | part 2 | part 5part 6 | part 8part 9 | part 7 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 
Thank you Mike and Jen for all of the hard work and dedication you put into making Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp the fantastic event that it was.  The magic community as a whole, was made better because of your efforts!





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