
27 October 2023

A peek behind the curtain with Alex McAleer [2023]

This is the fourth in a series of interviews leading up to the Champions of Magic Worldwide Wonder Tour Canadian dates in:

Additional rumoured locations include cities in BC and NS!  Check the Champions of Magic website for updates.

Read our thoughts about their 2022 show:

TLDR: So. Much. Fun!

Random thoughts about "Champions of Magic" 


In addition to his stage shows, you may know Alex McAleer through:

On episode 4 of Through the Magic of Television (Apple Podcasts link), Alex and guest Erik Tait    CanCon   discuss The Worlds Greatest Magic 4 (1997), which includes performances by Juliana Chen and Carl Cloutier.
[Editor's note:  This podcast requires a paid subscription.]

We're delighted to interview Alex ahead of his Canadian Champions of Magic Worldwide Wonder Tour dates!

A peek behind the curtain with Alex McAleer

We were fortunate to see Champions of Magic in three times in the past five years.  Your part in the show changed significantly from year to year.  In fact the 2022 experience was almost completely different from the first time we saw you in Toronto in 2018. 

When you have an audience tested, well-received show, what drives you to modify and advance your act?

It’s very tempting to just do the tricks and lines you’ve been doing for years, and the temptation is even greater when you’re waiting in the wings about to go on stage and do a new routine. It’s very rewarding however to keep things fresh, in my own act there are sections that are brand new every night so I have to think on my feet.
I think what drives me to make changes is not wanting things to become stale, and it’s always fun to tinker and improve each performance of a new routine.

Have you studied any magic-adjacent disciplines? 

I’ve studied various other skills that have all informed my performances. Theatre work when I was younger and performing in plays, readings, even panto! I’ve also studied a bit of comedy writing and physical comedy. I also went to Art School so that's given me an interest in aesthetics. 

Alex McAleer on stage

Alex on stage with an audience member keeping Alex's eyes shut
Do you remember the specific moment when you knew you could or wanted to perform magic full time?

I think it was probably after my first “show” - I did a twenty minute show on stage in between some one-act plays in my hometown. The show I did was dreadful in hindsight but the audience really responded to it; this shy young man they all knew could now apparently read minds and hold a room’s attention. 

What is your most memorable performance misadventure? 

Probably when a prop we were using in Champions malfunctioned and the ‘big prediction moment’ I had been teasing throughout the show just didn’t happen. Foolishly, there was no out. I just had to move onto the next, much smaller and less significant, part of the prediction.  

What sets Champions of Magic apart from other touring ensemble magic shows?

I think it’s probably that you’re seeing a full show, not just a series of different acts doing their own thing. There are multiple moments when we are all working together on stage, or involved in another performer's act. 

Alex McAleer on stage

Alex on stage


Do you have any guilty pleasures while on tour?
Vegan junk food. Vegan Poutine is always a highlight for a trip to the true north.
One imagines that it’s sometimes hard to leave the comforts of your home for a lengthy tour.  Do you bring a special something from home with you? 

As silly as it may sound but having a VPN on my iPad means I can enjoy the comforts of UK television. 


Is there anything else you’d like to share with the readers of Canada’s Magic?

Subscribe to the Magicians' Podcast Network (Apple Podcasts link) to hear my nostalgic-rewatch-podcast Through the Magic of Television (Apple Podcasts link) . Oh and I guess you can listen to [Richard] Young’s podcasts on there too.  
[Editor's note:  These podcasts require a paid subscription.]

Thank you Alex, for making the time to answer our questions!


Learn more about Alex at and follow him on Facebook, and Instagram


  Champions of Magic  

Catch Alex in Champions of Magic touring across Canada in 2023 - 2024:

Additional rumoured locations include cities in BC and NS!  Check the Champions of Magic website for updates.

Read our 2022 interviews with the cast:

Learn more about Champions of Magic at and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Champions of Magic Worldwide Wonders Tour




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