Post by Shawn Farquhar.
Keep this comment from Shawn in mind,
"Josh Burch, the creator of this video, has a great sense of humor and with video "exposures" like this on YouTube it makes it much harder to find a more logical explanation."
"Josh Burch, the creator of this video, has a great sense of humor and with video "exposures" like this on YouTube it makes it much harder to find a more logical explanation."
Nous avons plongé pendant un après-midi dans le monde d’Éric Leclerc, un magicien franco-ontarien de la région d'Ottawa qui vous coupera le souffle avec sa dextérité et vous charmera avec sa joie de vivre.
October 2-4
Talent includes:
Read more and buy tickets.
- Shawn Farquhar
- Kostya Kimlat
- Kainoa Harbottle
- Francis Menotti
- Vincent Hedan
- Kozmo and
- Mark Zacharia
My buddy @MurraySawChuck is on #WizardWars tonight. GOOD LUCK!!
— Steve Valentine (@Stevevalentine) August 26, 2014