Showing posts with label Isreal Manchild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isreal Manchild. Show all posts

16 September 2021

Service for Isreal Manchild

From the September 14th Facebook post by John Kaplan on the Edmonton Magic Club Public Page:

Today I've received this update on the upcoming service for Isreal Manchild  ...

Good day,

This message is being sent to you on behalf of Alexandria Brennais (IsReal’s Mother).  

Due to Corona virus numbers are limited for attendance at his celebration of life at Gateway Alliance Church. Alexandria knows how important friends were to Issey and because of this she has made arrangements with the church to have a live viewing of the service on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 1:00pm (mst). She would love it if you could attend via the link: (link will not be live until Saturday at 1:00pm mst).

Please type that link into your address browser bar and it will bring you to the live event on Saturday.

Feel free to share this email with anyone you think would like to be a part of IsReal's service.

Read more.


15 November 2020

Broken wand: Isreal Manchild

Our sincere condolences to Isreal's family and friends.


From the November 13th Facebook post by John Kaplan:

It is with deep shock and sadness that I report the sudden, unexpected passing of one of my dearest friends.  A week ago, on Friday Nov 6th, Isreal Manchild slipped on his basement steps. The resulting fall caused a severe head injury, bleeding of the brain, and he spent much of the past week in hospital in a coma.  A four-hour operation to reduce the swelling yesterday was, unfortunately, not enough for him to survive and he passed away at around 3:00 this morning.