Showing posts with label Alfredo Marchese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alfredo Marchese. Show all posts

12 September 2017

Toronto: Alfredo Marchese (Magic Alan) lecture

From IBM Ring 17:
To accommodate travel schedules, our October Lecture will be in the Last Week of September! (Because we ALL need more Spanish magic in our lives.)

Alfredo Marchese from Spain

When: Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM

Where: Fairview Public Library (35 Fairview Mall Drive – map)

Admission: FREE for Members ($20 for guests – tickets at the door)

Travelling all the way from Spain, Alfredo Marchese, or as he is often known on stage, Magic Alan, will present “A Different Lecture” based on 35 years experience as a professional performer. Those familiar with the famous “Spanish School of Magic” know that they have a well-earned reputation for taking card tricks and turning them into deeply deceptive, emotionally powerful card miracles. Even better is the way in which they generously offer to explain all the thinking and obsessing over details that went into it.

Read more and buy tickets.

Montreal: Alfredo Marchese (Magic Alan) lecture

From Montreal Magic Jam:
Wed Sept 27 at 7pm

Argentinian magician Alfredo Marchese (known simply as Magic Alan) has been a professional for over 35 years, working all kinds of environments and traveling all over the world.

A student of the maestro Juan Tamariz, he performs in most of Tamariz’s theatre shows performing a wide variety of material from the spirit cabinet to the Chinese linking rings.

His lecture for us will focus on what he calls “Vertical Card Magic” that can be close-up, in parlour and on the stage, including other visual props and a wide variety of effects (not just your standard pick-a-card tricks).

Of course all this with a combination of clever modern methods. And of course as a student of Tamariz, it wouldn’t be complete with explanations of the psychology behind the tricks and magic performance in general based on his personal experience and of course the work of Tamariz and Ascanio, with am emphasis on these main points

Perhaps a relative unknown in our part of the world, he is well-respected throughout Spain and his native South America . Roberto Giobbi, Dani DaOrtiz and Juan Tamariz all sing his praises, and that’s enough to make any magician sit up and pay attention to what he has to say.

Read more and buy tickets.

04 September 2017

Rounding the Central rings in September 2017

Updated September 11th to add:
  • Ring 17 (Toronto) will host a lecture by Alfredo Marchese in addition to the one by Jörg Alexander

Confirm details about dates and locations by visiting each club's website.

Montreal, QCRing 62 (20th Century Ring)- Stage workers.
- Sunday brunch.
- Instagram Tuesday
Hamilton, ONRing 49 (The Doug Henning Magic Wand Club)- Current and past executive perform.
London, ONRing 265 (London Magician's Guild)- Easy but good.
Kitchener, ONRing 235 (The Caesar Hat & Wand Magic Circle)- Ryan Joyce lecture.
Ottawa, ONRing 151 (Ottawa Society of Magicians)- TBA.
Ottawa, ONOttawa / Gatineau magicians- Jörg Alexander lecture.
Toronto, ONRing 17 (Sid Lorraine Hat and Rabbit Club)- Jörg Alexander lecture.
 (Note location change.)
- Alfredo Marchese lecture.

Please leave a comment or e-mail me about corrections or omissions.