From the Bangladesh International Magic Convention:
26, 27 & 28 April 2018
Such international grandiloquent wizardry event will take place for the first time in Bangladesh with the spur-of-the-moment participation of world-renowned magicians like Safir Ullah Sikder, Dean Gunnarson, Ariann Black, Fukai, Albert Tam, Mamada, Bond Lee, Ma Yan Yan, Keanu Ho, Dr. Man, Myungjoon Lee, Lee Jei Min, B.S.Reddy, Ali Magician, Venu Samala, Raj Kumar, Dominico Danta, Walter Rolfo, and other famous magicians from more than fifteen (15) countries including Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan, Italy, Canada, the USA & other countries around the world.
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