22 March 2024

Canada's Got Talent: Getting to know Bao Hoang

Third in our series of short interviews with some of the magic acts listed in the March 5th Canada's Got Talent media release is Bao Hoang!

You may already know that Bao:

  • has over 21k followers on Instagram, 170k on TikTok, and 170k on YouTube,
  • was named "Creator on the Rise" by YouTube Canada, and
  • is the founder of the BaoBao Restaurant Playing Cards brand.

We're delighted that Bao made time to answer our questions! 


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
Eric Decker, aka Airrack, is another inspiration from the YouTube space (yes, I get inspired a lot by YouTubers). I saw Eric grow from a small channel to reach his goal of getting 1 million YouTube subscribers within only a year. His determination to reach his goals, whacky, out-of-the-box ideas, and skill in keeping viewers hooked have deeply influenced my approach to video making and magic. His influence significantly shaped how I designed my act for "Canada's Got Talent." It was crucial for me to ensure that the act wasn't just impressive in its magic but also tailored for success on YouTube. I aimed to create moments within the act that could be captured in a captivating thumbnail and crafted a premise that was clear and engaging, with the potential to go viral. Airrack’s blend of entertainment, storytelling, and audience engagement has reshaped how I view content creation and performance, teaching me the importance of creativity, perseverance, and strategic presentation in achieving success.
What is your first memory of magic? 

I was 4 years old when my classmate’s father performed a magic show for my kindergarten group. I remember him making a toy dinosaur appear from an empty box, then making candies appear from that same box.

Who from the magic community inspires you?

As a YouTuber myself, Chris Ramsay has been an enormous inspiration. He makes magic and puzzle-solving videos that go insanely viral on YouTube all the time. Even Tom Holland watches his videos. Chris has inspired me because he showed me that it was possible to make a living performing magic on the internet. If I hadn’t started making YouTube videos and seeing the positive feedback from my online community, I’m not sure when I would have found the confidence to leave my day job and make a career out of magic.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

During my teenage years, my mom would drive me every Saturday to visit the Spectram magic shop in Montreal (which unfortunately had to close down because of the pandemic). But the real magic happened downstairs in their basement where they had this magic school, MagieStrale. That’s where I met Yannick Lacroix, my magic teacher. He was the one who taught me all the fundamentals of magic and it was his guidance that steered me into exploring coin magic, which can be technically very difficult. He told me that mastery in coin magic could enhance my proficiency in all other magic manipulation techniques... and he was right!


📸 : CGT

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
I never completely dropped magic, but there was a time when it sort of took a backseat. That happened when I dove headfirst into my "real job" in marketing, thinking that was going to be my lifelong career. But, you know, I think it's totally fine to wander off, try out different hobbies, and pick up new skills. Then, you bring all that experience and inspiration back into your magic. I’m a firm believer that to really grow as an artist, you need to soak up life beyond the magic scene.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
It’s not really a ritual, but I always stay hydrated and do finger-stretching exercises before performing them. I also have to make sure to eat ahead of time because I have absolutely zero appetite within hours leading up to the performance!

Why is now the right time for you to be a part of Canada's Got Talent?
I just quit my day job in marketing to go all-in and pursue magic. Canada’s Got Talent is an opportunity to prove myself that I made the right decision. While it’s scary, you only grow if you step out of your comfort zone!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I’ve always been an introvert, and magic has played a big role in helping me get out of my comfort zone.I hope that my journey can inspire introverts to put themselves out there and take risks. It won’t be easy, but it’s 1000% worth it!


Thank you Bao, for making the time to answer our questions!  Break a leg on CGT!

Learn more about Bao at his website BaoMagic.com and follow him on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Watch Canada's Got Talent Tuesdays on CityTV.





21 March 2024

Toronto: Browser's Den auction [Apr 14]

From the Browser's Den of Magic:

You LOVE auctions! We LOVE auctions...So it is our time for our annual spring auction!
For those who would like to bring in 'magic' (props large or small, books, videos) to be auctioned off you may start dropping them off now.
We have been doing these auctions since 1975.  Auctions are a lot of FUN! 

For those who have never attended one of our auctions, you are missing out on tremendous bargains as most of the magic sells for at least half their regular prices.  Plus, often there are props, books that are no longer readily available.

Read more.





20 March 2024

Canada's Got Talent: Getting to know Jeff Newman

Next in our series of short interviews with some of the magic acts listed in the March 5th Canada's Got Talent media release is Jeff Newman!

You may already know that Jeff:

  • Presented his show MIND GAMES: Brain-Bending Magic at the 33rd annual Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival, and
  • In addition to mentalism and magic, Jeff has is also an actor and improviser.

We're delighted that Jeff made time to answer our questions! 


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
My biggest inspiration comes from the people around me. My wife is my creative other half, and she’s been a major influence on my performances and making magic my full-time job. Along the way, though, I’ve had plenty of others…Family and friends have supported me in pursuing my passion, especially when I’ve hit some roadblocks. I’ve had teachers and professors who taught me the importance of education and that I should never stop learning. There are coaches and teammates from my days as an athlete who taught me work ethic and how to rely on others. So many people in my life have helped me become what I am today, and they still inspire me to keep doing my best and chasing my dreams.
What is your first memory of magic? 

My first memory of magic was watching The World’s Greatest Magic when I was about 6 or 7. The performances were all great, but what really hooked me were the interactive pieces that taught magic, or magic you did yourself through the television screen. By the next day, I was driving my family insane, asking them to “pick a card!” over and over again.

Who from the magic community inspires you?

There are so many…I primarily perform as a mentalist, so that’s where I get most of my inspiration from. I love work from Marc Paul, Luke Jermay, Andy Nyman, Bob Cassidy, Richard Wiseman, Derren Brown…and of course, Corinda and Annemann. I’ve taken little pieces from all of them and more to put together my act over the years.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

Even though I discovered magic early in life, I actually came to learning and performing it late; it wasn’t until university (following an injury that ended my athletic career) that I started seriously developing my skills.

My biggest gateway into magic was actually Brian Brushwood and Scam School. It was the perfect way to learn and develop the social and psychological skills for a beginner magician. I got into mentalism pretty quickly, so I searched for other creators there that I jived with (see my inspirations above), and their work created the foundation for my own.

Wes Barker was also a huge part of my career taking off. Early in my career, I opened for him at a small show over a decade ago. He was the first working pro I ever met and has been someone I can turn to, appreciate, and share a beer with ever since.

But I’d say my wife has had the biggest influence on my career. She introduced me to theatre (we met when she cast me in a university play) and taught me how to perform magic instead of just tricks. In fact, my wife and her support convinced me to pursue magic full-time. Over the years, she’s been my co-creator, director, stage manager, assistant, voice of reason, and wrangler. She’s been with me through it all.

Jeff Newman

📸 : CGT

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
OOOOH, yeah, so many times. I’ve been performing professionally for over a decade, and I’ve taken a lot of lumps along the way. Working as a full-time magician is hard and can be discouraging sometimes. I’ve had all…I’ve bombed at shows, I’ve been broke, I’ve had bad reviews, I’ve struggled with creating magic…all of it. And while those struggles can seem daunting, the thing that has kept me going has been passion.

I love what I do. I love stepping out on stage and seeing the crowd. I love hearing the laughs, and the gasps, and cheers, and the applause. I love performing magic and creating little pockets of wonder for people in their everyday lives. I love learning magic and all the little clever things that gives my brain the workout that only magic can do. I love what magic has given me…I’ve made incredible friends, had amazing experiences, and built a career all because I’m lucky enough to have found passion in magic. It’s truly the best job in the world, and it’s made all of those obstacles in the past worth it.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
Warm-ups. They’re a standard. For me, performing is a lot like playing sports. You need to warm up before you play.

I start with some light physical things…little hops, torso twists, arm circles, neck rolls, and stuff like that. It gets the blood pumping and gets me moving. Then, some basic vocal warm-ups…breath work, practicing projection, tongue twisters. Basically, getting my body ready to perform!

There’s also the pre-show check. I’m absolutely neurotic about my show set up. It gets put up in a particular order and probably checked and re-checked a gazillion times before I start. It may seem a little crazy, but it helps put me at ease before the show, knowing that everything is where it should be.

Why is now the right time for you to be a part of Canada's Got Talent?
I think it’s the culmination of all my hard work over the years. I started from humble beginnings and overcame a lot to get where I am today. It’s a chance to show the magic community and the world that all the effort I’ve put into my magic career has given me something to offer: that I’m meant to be a magician. I finally have the chance to share my passion for performing on a world stage, and I’ve persevered through all of the obstacles along the way to live my dream as a full-time performer. To me, being on CGT is proof that I’m where I’m meant to be.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Do it because you love it, and learn everything. If you perform magic as a hobby, a full-time job, or something in between, let your passion drive you and learn everything you can to make you better. If you want to learn to perform better, find a director or a coach and perform as much as possible. If you want to perform professionally, learn how to build a business. If you want to create incredible magic, dive into as many books, DVD’s and lectures as possible to inspire you. This will look different for everybody, but if you love magic, if it’s your passion…let it guide you and learn everything you can along the way!



Thank you Jeff, for making the time to answer our questions!  Break a leg on CGT!

Learn more about Jeff at his website NewmanMentalism.com and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Watch Canada's Got Talent Tuesdays on CityTV.





19 March 2024

Toronto: Lost in the Shuffle a Hot Docs Special Presentation [Apr 25 - May 5]

Updated March 26 to add:



Additional details at Hot Docs.


From the March 17th Instagram post by Hot Docs:

Pick a card, any card!

Enter the magical world of magician Shawn Farquhar (@magichampion) as he simultaneously devises a new magic trick and delves into medieval murder cold cases in @LostInTheShuffleMovie.

Seen through the eyes of some of the world’s best sleight-of-hand artists, LOST IN THE SHUFFLE is a loving look at how playing cards has become synonymous with magic and the mysteries hidden in their art.

This magical film will have its world premiere at #HotDocs24 as part of the Special Presentations program.






18 March 2024

Canada's Got Talent: Getting to know Mark Clearview

On March 10th we shared with you that this season of Canada's Got Talent boasts nine Canadian magic acts. 

We are delighted to have the opportunity to do short interviews with some of the acts.  Kicking off the series is Mark Clearview!

You may already know that Mark:

We're delighted that Mark made time to answer our questions ahead of his appearance tomorrow on the premiere of the 2024 season of Canada's Got Talent!


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
Andy Kaufman. Most car salesmen. It's gotta be hard to sell cars.
What is your first memory of magic? 

I had the Wacky Wizard at my third birthday party. I don't remember it but I'm sure he was great. 4th birthday I had Mr. Oh (Owen Anderson) and I remember that a bit more. I've been doing magic since three, so longer than I can recall to memory. But many trips to Browser's Den Magic shop are cemented in my mind! Thanks Jeffs!

Who from the magic community inspires you?

At large? Penn & Teller, Mac King, Tom Mullica, The Amazing Jonathan. In my immediate community? Scott Hammell, Nick Wallace, Paige Thompson, my dad.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

Oh plenty! The book "Magic and Showmanship" changed some things for me. Derren Brown's "Notes from a Fellow Traveler" did a lot for my onstage persona. The aforementioned Browser's Den. Sorcerers Safari Magic camp. Couldn't of done anything without my mentor Scott Hammell. My father built my props. My mother supported me. She still does! She's actually typing this out for me. No don't write that. Stop it.

Mark Clearview

📸 : CGT

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
One time in 2020 the world ended for two long years. Before that I was a kid who was cranky and tired of it. Why didn't I quit? I can't. I've tried! This is an affliction and part of my chemical makeup. It's impossible to stop. Magic is all I know.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
I eat an entire bag of Funions.

Why is now the right time for you to be a part of Canada's Got Talent?
Because I wasn't on last season.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
If you give up, or stop following your dreams, I will find you and I will make you suffer.



Thank you Mark for making the time to answer our questions!  Break a leg on CGT!

Learn more about Mark at his website MarkClearview.com and follow him on Instagram and YouTube.

Canada's Got Talent premieres March 19th on CityTV.


Watch a sneak peek here:  



15 March 2024

London: OEV Palace of Wonders [Mar 22 & Apr 19]

From the Palace Theatre website:

Presented by the Old East Village BIA, Palace Theatre Arts Commons and The London Magicians’ Guild
The London Magicians’ Guild 2024 Spring Cabaret Series

Experience three mesmerizing shows of adult-contemporary magic at our OEV PALACE OF WONDERS events! Each salon will feature a different lineup of talented local performers from the London Magicians’ Guild, resulting in a captivating blend of unique styles and mind-bending illusions. No two shows will be alike!

Prepare to be astounded as both professional magicians, and highly-skilled magic enthusiasts, showcase their awe-inspiring tricks and illusions, taking you on a wondrous journey into the realm of sophisticated, adult-contemporary magic.

Three evenings of wonder and enchantment that will leave you spellbound! Our first two performance dates will be close-up and personal, in the intimate surroundings of Procunier Hall, with our larger finale, “Le Grand Spectacle”, taking place on the Palace Main Stage, wrapped in the nostalgic surroundings of our period 1923 movie house.

Don't miss out on the extraordinary, OEV PALACE OF WONDERS! 

Presented by the Old East Village BIA, The Palace Theatre Arts Commons, and The London Magicians’ Guild.
Feb 16, 2024

Mar 22, 2024

April 19, 2024

Read more and buy tickets.

From the January 24th Facebook post by Scott Hood:

Looking forward to performing on this bill with such talented magicians.