Thank you Doug, for your wonderful contributions to the Canadian Magic Community!
From the September 22nd Facebook post by Doug Cuff:
The time has come to say goodbye.
I started a website for Canadian magicians around 20 years ago, but I haven't updated it for the past 3 years. And that matters because one thing that I used to take pride in was that kept its links up to date, and listed old, outdated links so that visitors would know they had reached a dead end.
So I've closed the website and the associated Twitter account @magicinfo_ca. I'll be closing this Facebook account too, but there is still one thing I want to accomplish before I do that.
Thanks to all of you who used over the years and offered feedback.
This website started in the early 2000s as a series of simple bookmarks to Canadian magic shops. Back in those days, there were still great bricks-and-mortar shops like Morrissey's and Perfect Magic. These days, Browser's Den of Magic in Toronto is pretty much all there is left. It's a great shop, and I still buy from Jeff and the team, but one shop doesn't continue a need for this website.
Later on, I kept track of other things: effects that used objects familiar to Canadian audiences, performing magicians, magic shows, magic clubs, magic lessons. I taught myself a lot about CSS and PHP and SQL in keeping this site running. It was fun while it lasted. I hope it was useful to some of you still out there reading this.
The Canadian magic scene still needs a great website, but it has that: Nicole's excellent Canada's Magic site and blog.
This message will remain in place until mid-November 2022, after which will be no more.
Goodbye and thank you! (signed) Doug