27 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 10

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:  https://forms.gle/umg77yj9QxUzfpm76

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<< part 9  |  part 11 >>


Part 10 features:  Luis Salas, Michael Penkul, and Lee Asher


  Luis Salas  

Attended camp in 2009 as a camper.

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Performing my own routine to Aaron Fisher as my audience on the boat dock.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Experience.


Attending Sorcerers Safari was one of the most positive experiences I had as a teenager. From the friendships, the nature, the fun and the learning - everything was superb and I feel lucky to have attended even if it was just for the one year. I do wish I had gone again though.



  Michal Penkul  
Professional magician, Professional Wedding DJ & Magician, MichaelPenkul.com.

Attended as a camper in 2009 and 2010 (Daniel Garcia &  Dan and Dave Buck were the special guests).

Since his time at camp Michal has:

  • DJ'd and performed professionally full-time (DJ Magic Mike), and 
  • Produced music as an EDM artist.

In his own words:

  • Besides the amazing things I learned from all the lectures and special guests, it was the confidence to perform in front of larger crowds; getting to perform on the Sorcerers Safari Stage helped me overcome a lot of introverted shyness.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Filming Aaron Fishers DVD Revolution! Daniel Garcia was also a huge idol of mine, he left me with a phrase that I've tried incorporating into all my magic to this day - 'keep magic sexy'

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Being with like-minded magicians, many friends that I keep in contact with to this day. It was my first time away from my family for that long which was a huge stepping stone for me, and helped me build a lot of confidence on and off stage.


I was a shy, quiet kid who felt unmemorable at the time, but camp was one of the most memorable experiences in my life!



  Lee Asher 
Professional magician, LeeAsher.com.

Attended camp in:

  • 2001 as Counsellor / Staff, 
  • 2002 as Special Guest, and 
  • 2003 until the end as Executive Staff.

Since his time at camp Lee has been:

  • The youngest, cutest [self-reported], and longest-running President of 52 Plus Joker (the world's most prestigious playing card collectors organization),
  • The Senior consultant for the world's most extensive and expensive magic television series, Amazing Magicians, filmed in Nanjing, China, 
  • The Director of the largest stunt ever filmed for Penn & Teller's 'Fool Us' television show, and
  • The recipient of the Dawson Lifetime Achievement Award for my extensive work in the playing card industry. 


In his own words:

  • Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp fostered a true sense of community. Collaborative activities and team-building exercises allowed me to forge deep bonds with fellow aspiring magicians. These friendships taught me the value of collaboration, cooperation, and mutual support—a vital lesson that continues to guide me long after the campfire's embers have faded.
  • Most importantly, meeting my wife at Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp all those years ago was my greatest accomplishment. Through late-night conversations filled with laughter and shared dreams, Christina and I discovered a profound connection, and our hearts resonated in perfect harmony. We've been happily married for over twelve years.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • There are far too many to mention. Yet, spending time with campers who have now grown into adults is something I treasure.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • My biggest takeaway is that Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp harnessed the incredible power of shared experiences, collaboration, and encouragement to unlock hidden potential, all while building lasting connections.


Best Years Ever!


Thank you Luis, Michael, and Lee for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

<< part 9  |  part 11 >>



Matt Johnson received the Society of American Magician's Presidential Citation

Congratulations Matt!  Well deserved!


From the July 26th Facebook post by Matt Johnson:

I’m absolutely floored to find out that I was just awarded a presidential citation by the president of the Society of American Magicians at the annual magic conference in New Orleans!!!
I had NO IDEA this was coming😮😮😮

Broken wand: Coral Reveen

Our sincere condolences to Ty and his family at this difficult time.


From Ty Reveen:

I’m very sad and heartbroken to announce that my mother Coral Reveen passed away today (August 23rd 2023).

It will take several days perhaps weeks before I gather my thoughts enough to tell her story, meanwhile I'm just going to post as many photos of her that I can find on my facebook.

My sincere love to everyone that was kind to her and admired her, she was one of the last standing Classical Magic Assistance from the 1950's. We'll miss her so much. I'm flying back to Las Vegas from Chicago where my dear friends Rick and Parker Lindsey have been treating me like a king for the past few days. 

Read more.




26 August 2023

The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 9

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:  https://forms.gle/umg77yj9QxUzfpm76

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<< part 8  |  part 10 >>


Part 9 features:  Marc Hache, Jeff Hinchliffe, Bill Wells, and Lauren Proctor


  Marc Hache  

Attended camp from 2003 to 2010 as staff.

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Camper show every year. Those kids were amazing!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • The lifelong friendships I made especially with Jen and Mike.



  Jeff Hinchliffe  
Professional magician.

Attended camp in 2003 as staff, and from 2004 to 2011 as a counsellor.

Since his time at camp Jeff has:

  • Continued the tradition of passing along knowledge.

In his own words:

  • Sorcerers Safari helped cultivate a culture of sharing and growing together.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Every year was the "best year ever!"

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • The friendships


I will never have another experience in magic that was like Sorcerers Safari!



  Bill Wells  

Attended camp in 2014 as a guest.

In his own words:

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • The kids!!!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Seeing what a great network existed between staff and campers.



  Lauren Proctor 
Director of Customer Service & Art.

Attended camp from 1999 to 2008 as camper and CIT (counsellor in training).

Lauren has this to say about her time after Sorcerers Safari:

  • While I don't think anything I've accomplished is "significant" in the sense of contributing to the world or the profession as a whole, my accomplishments are significant to my life.  
  • I'm very proud of the life I've built for myself; it is not a life that just happened, but one I have worked hard to obtain.  
  • I've met the love of my life who I've started a family with and moved to Colorado.  
  • I've built a network of wonderful humans who I consider my family.  
  • I've found a career that is exciting, stimulating and allows me to be creative every day.
  • These are all such simple things, but I'm incredibly grateful for them.

In her own words:

  • I think many of my accomplishments in my career can be credited to my time at Sorcerers Safari.  
  • Performance Workshop was a fantastic opportunity to learn how to give and receive constructive criticism.  
  • Performing directly influenced my creativity and gave me confidence when public speaking.  
  • Spending time in a male dominated industry as a youth gave me confidence and taught me how to speak up in the male dominated industry I've landed in. 
  • Most importantly, Sorcerers Safari taught me the value of relationships and how to navigate long distance ones.  The good ones are certainly worth time spent apart.  

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Gosh, there are so many.  I don't think I can pinpoint one specific memory as the best.  More, it's the feeling I get when I reminisce on my time there.  It was a time of youthful innocence coupled with newly found independence.  It was a time of mystery and illusion.  I spent almost a decade of my life looking forward to a single week of camp, reconnecting with friends from years past, showcasing new skills and nerding out over our common interest.  [emphasis added]
    • There are a handful of camp friends that I grew up with; we spent that week, summer after summer together (for me at least) finally feeling at home.  
    • If I had to pick one memory, I would say our girls' cabin rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody is high on the list.  What on earth were we thinking?!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • I am grateful for all of my takeaways from Sorcerers Safari, but my biggest gift is one of my favourite humans.  I gained a best friend at magic camp, someone who has been in it with me now for over 20 years.  She was the Maid of Honour at my wedding, someone who has known the ins and outs of my life for over two decades.  This kind of a friend doesn't just grow on trees.  Thank you Sorcerers Safari for giving me RR.



Thank you Marc, Jeff, Bill, and Lauren for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

<< part 8  |  part 10 >>



New York: An Evening of Magic with Kayla Drescher and Mark Clearview [Aug 30]

Tickets to see Kayla Drescher and Mark Clearview (part of the Sorcerers Safari Legacy!) at Bucketlisters.


From the August 25th Instagram post by An Evening of Magic NY:

We are back! This Wednesday night @revisionloungenyc. Showtimes at 7&9 with close up magic before the show by @theunrealgarrettwaite. Headlining the show is @magicinheels and @markclearview , hosted by @maxdavidsonmagic and @david_calamari .






The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari - part 8

Recap (click to show | hide)

From Part 1 of the series:

In lieu of a physical reunion bringing together past campers and staff, Canada’s Magic is hosting a virtual reunion of sorts.  We’ve reached out to the Sorcerers Safari community with a dozen or so questions to help bring us up to date on what everyone has been up to since our magic camp days.

If you completed our survey, keep your eyes peeled for your segment!  

If you would like to participate but haven’t filled out the survey, there’s still time.  The survey can be found here:  https://forms.gle/umg77yj9QxUzfpm76

Thank you to all that contributed!


Mike, Jen, Sorcerers Safari staff, and alumni, this series is for you.


The Legacy of Sorcerers Safari
<< part 7  |  part 9 >>


Part 8 features:  Jesse Arndt, Dan McLean Jr, and Rosemary Reid


  Jesse Arndt  
Graphics installer and Sign maker.

Attended as a camper in 2007.

Since his time at camp Jesse has:

  • Performed for events, parties and private shows.

In his own words:

  • Learning magic within the Sorcerers Safari magic camp community made me a more confident person talking to groups of people.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Learning card magic and different sleight of hand secret moves from some of the very best such as, Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Ben Train, Steven Kline, Mike D’Urzo!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • All of the above when it comes to making new friendships, and connections with people when it comes to magic and the playing card industry!


Such an amazing experience at this camp!
A once in a lifetime experience! 



  Dan McLean Jr  
Live Music Production Professional (Musician), DanMcLeanJr.com.

Attended camp from 2001-2016 as Cabin Counsellor, Bus Coordinator and occasional instructor.


Since his time at camp Dan has:

  • Finished recording an album of original music, and is almost finished recording and “unplugged” EP of more original music.
  • Had a couple of my patters/scripts used by professional magicians. So gratifying.

In his own words:

  • As a magic hobbyist, much of my performing experience was at Sorcerers Safari, so the pros who've used my script ideas are people I met at camp.

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Sneaking in to join Lee Asher's card classes. Oh! And the "Camper Shows"! 
    • The “Camper Shows” were at the end of the week where campers performed on the big stage. Many of them did magic they learned that week at camp!

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • Definitely the people. I have many good friends that I met at camp, including several who were young campers when we met.

Those years at camp are some of my best memories. I’m so proud to have been part of encouraging young people to be creative, positive, and active.

Sorcerers Safari was "my happy place" for many years. I still tell people about it all the time.



  Rosemary Reid 
Professional magician, RosemaryReid.com.

Attended camp for 17 years as Camper, Counsellor, Staff, and Instructor.

Since her time at camp Rosemary:

  • Conducted the largest survey in the magic industry on the experience of women magicians, 
  • Produced SISTERHOOD Playing Cards as a vehicle of information to communicate the results, and
  • Writes monthly articles for CARD CULTURE Magazine discussing the contributions to the industry of those who often go unnoticed or under appreciated.

In her own words:

  • Through Sorcerers Safari I met my magic community, who would turn into dear friends. My best friends are from magic camp, as well as my magic mentors. It's impossible to imagine what my life would look like if I'd never attended magic camp!  [Emphasis added.]

  • Favourite Sorcerers Safari memory?  
    • Time spent in the evenings around the campfire, hearing magic anecdotes from time's past, telling jokes and getting to know the special guests and instructors.

  • Biggest take-away from Sorcerers Safari?
    • My community <3.



Thank you Jesse, Dan, and Rosemary for sharing your memories!

Check back throughout the month to read updates from other Sorcerers Safari alumni and staff!


 Previously featured 


Learn more about Sorcerers Safari.

part 1part 2  | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

<< part 7  |  part 9 >>



Connie Boyd received the Society of American Magician's Presidential Citation

Congratulations Connie!  Well deserved!


From the August 23rd Instagram post by Connie Boyd:

✨I am #honoured & #grateful to receive a Presidential Citation, issued by the National President @rodchowmagic  #thankyou so much 💋