21 April 2018

Daniel Zuckerbrot mini-talk.

[ http://www.reeltimeimages.ca ]

We were treated to some clips that weren't included in
 "The Science of Magic" which aired on CBC's "The Nature of Things."
Jay Sankey lecture

[ http://www.jaysankey.com ]

Jay gave a very practical lecture with lots of insight. Offering outstanding deals on his products.
Spectacular close up show:

- Emcee - Dick Joiner [ http://dickjoiner.com ]

- Jay Sankey [ http://www.jaysankey.com ]

- Garrett Thomas [ http://gtmagic.com ]

- Chris Pilsworth [ http://www.borntoamaze.com ]

- Michael Close [ https://www.michaelclose.com ]

- Pop Haydn [ http://www.pophaydn.com ]



Jeff P recognized Robert Presswood [ https://www.presswood.com ] for  recommending Elliot's company to handle the tech for the day!

- Thank you to Elliot and the EJ Entertainment  team! ( http://ejentertainment.net )

Bernice Cooper who (with her late husband Len Cooper) opened The Browser's Den of Magic [ https://www.browsersden.com ] in 1975, was able to spend some time with us today!

Lisa Close on stage with a Very Important Announcement.

- It's time for LAD (that's Lunch And Dealers).