19 March 2020

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

Details available at Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses.

From the Canadian Actors' Equity:
Self-employed workers not eligible for EI, aka most Equity members ARE COVERED under Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan! Some excellent news we all needed to hear.

18 March 2020

Online meetings and shows

Updated at 15:31 EST to add:
  • Jeff & Tessa Evason have opened up their vault to share this TV special featuring Thomas Baxter, James Cielen, Carl Cloutier, Dean Gunnarson, Gary Kurtz, Richard Sanders and Jay Sankey, with a special appearance by magician David Peck.  Watch on YouTube.

Are you itching to make it to a magic meeting from the comfort of your own home? 

Interested in catching a show?  Peter Mennie and Carisa Hendrix have you covered!

An upcoming lecture series on April 5th:

There's also consumable content from R. Paul Wilson and Mark Clearview:

From Mark Clearview:
We're all going to die and I'm going to document it. Listen to what I'm doing with all my free time. Follow my adventures through headlines and misinformation as I contribute a heaping helping of my own. Exclusively on my website until we're up and running on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Put the things we're missing in the comments!

17 March 2020

Broken wand: Tom Baxter

Our sincere condolences to Tom's family and friends.

From the Sid Lorraine Hat and Rabbit Club Facebook page:
Hello Dear Friends:

It is with a sad heart that I write to you to say that Tom passed away last night at the Vancouver General Hospital surrounded and supported my his brother, Bill; sisters, Brenda and Patrice; brother-in-law George; and myself.

Tom was a gentle soul with a wondrous interest in life. He quietly and stoically faced the challenges of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia over the past six years.

He touched the hearts and minds of many. May you cherish the special moments that he had with you.

Tom did not wish to have a funeral. His wish was to be cremated, and some of his ashes sprinkled on Lake Ontario where he spend many hours sailing.

He had many future ideas planned with regard to his writings, music, and travel.

One of the first (of many) sayings he said to me was … “act little braver than you may feel”.

We cherish all your kind words, cards, messages, phone calls, and thoughts.

Please keep in touch when you can.

A hug to you all,

16 March 2020

Perfect Magic in the Montreal Gazette

A wonderful piece by Julie Matlin about her parents!

From the March 13th article "The magic of pursuing your dreams: father's bravery had a ripple effect" by Julie Matlin in the Montreal Gazette:
Phil and Evelyn Matlin, my parents, own a beloved Montreal institution called Perfect Magic. It is, fittingly, a magic shop that’s been serving the community for more than 43 years. Walk in and you’re likely to find amateur hobbyists alongside pros chatting about technique. Or a seasoned performer giving some tips to a kid just starting out. It’s a unique experience.

My dad is 83 now, and my mom is 79 and undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, yet they still go to work every day. Whenever I ask them about retiring, my dad shakes his head. “What would I do?” he asks. They’re happy. And I’m happy for them. My dad followed a dream and it led them to not only run a business that supported a family with four children, but also left a lasting mark on the magic community at large.

It’s funny how we got here.

Read more.

15 March 2020

Peter Mennie's list of 5

5 low or no cost things to do if you can't perform over the next few weeks:

1. Go for a walk.
2. Write new material.
3. Clean/repair/upgrade your props.
4. Do your taxes (and invest your refund).
5. Don't worry. The work will come back in greater abundance.