11 March 2025

Blake Aleong on CBC Radio

From the March 10 episode of "BC Today with Michelle Eliot" on CBC Radio:

Ahead of competing on Canada's Got Talent, teen magician Blake Aleong shows off his routine.

Listen to the interview.



[With thanks to The Magic Demon for passing this along!]






Thank you to our personal sponsors for March 2025!

A quick reminder of our earlier Mail as Medicine request for Katie Hunt.  If you have the time, Katie and Doug would both benefit from hearing from their friends!


Thank you to John Harrison, Richard Lyn, Joan Caesar, Ian Crawford, Matt DiSero, Doug Hunt, John Smithman, Loran, Peter Mennie, Noah Nogueira, Aaron Matthews, Cam Dix, and Ian Batterbury for being Friends of Canada's Magic!

It's good to have friends like you.

You too can Be Our Friend for only $20 per year! 

Donations of any size are always welcome.





10 March 2025

Mission: Norden & Gordon's Magic Shindig [Apr 19]

Tickets at Showpass.  


From the Norden & Gordon's Magic Shindig Facebook event:

A ONE day event! Starring Jon Armstrong!
TWO lectures!
TWO shows!
Masterclass option!
Flea Market!
Bombs Away Contest!
Rob Teszka Fringe Show!
Norden & Gordon!
Bingo and Prizes!
Public show!
Strolling magicians in the restaurant!





[via the Fraser Valley Magic Company]




09 March 2025

Rounding the Western rings in March 2025

Updated March 16 to add:



Confirm details about dates and locations by visiting each club's website.

City Club Event(s)
Calgary, AB Ring 66 (Calgary Magic Circle, Les Brocklesby Ring) - Tricks with the theme "luck".
- Lecture by Steve Warburton.
- Lecture by Mike Norden
Edmonton, AB Edmonton Magic Club - N/A.
Winnipeg, MB The Magic Club of Winnipeg - SYM.
Fraser Valley, BC IBM Ring 387 (Fraser Valley Magic Circle, Celeste Evans Ring) - N/A.
Vancouver, BC Ring 92 (Vancouver Magic Circle) - N/A.
Vancouver, BC SAM 95  (Carl Hemeon Assembly) - The Magic Festival including the Mystery Magic Dinner and the Children's Magician of the Year competition.
Victoria, BC Ring 183 (Victoria Magic Circle)   - N/A

Please leave a comment to let us know about corrections or omissions.






Rounding the Central rings in March 2025

Confirm details about dates and locations by visiting each club's website. 

Montreal, QC Montreal Magic Jam - Alex Linian lecture.
- Yoan Tanuji lecture.
Montreal, QC Ring 62 (20th Century Ring) - N/A.
Hamilton, ON Ring 49 (The Doug Henning Magic Wand Club) - Doug Hunt High Hopes lecture.
Hamilton / Burlington, ON Hamilton Burlington Magic Society
- N/A.
London, ON Ring 265 (London Magician's Guild) - Scott Hood: Floating Hank levitation, and
- Christopher Campbell lecturing on escapes.
Kitchener, ON Ring 235 (KW Magic Society) - N/A.
Ottawa, ON Ring 151 (Ottawa Society of Magicians) - N/A.
Ottawa, ON Ottawa / Gatineau magicians - N/A
Toronto, ON Ring 17 (Sid Lorraine Hat and Rabbit Club) - Club social.
- Alex Linian lecture

Please leave a comment to let us know about corrections or omissions.





Rounding the Eastern rings in March 2025

Updated March 17th to add:

  • The theme for the March meeting for the Magic Circle of St. John is "Things that aren't quite performance ready."


Confirm details about dates and locations by visiting each club's website.

Halifax, NSRing 316 (Conjourer's Court) - Visit their Facebook page
St. John, NBMagic Circle of St. John- Things that aren't quite performance ready.

Please leave a comment to let us know about corrections or omissions.