15 November 2021

The 2021 "Readers' Choice Inspirational Canadian Magician of the Year" award

Reader's Choice logo 


Updated November 29th to add:

  • Jean Deshaies has accepted his nomination by Magicien Méphisto who wrote:
    "I would like to nominate Jean Deshaies.

    "A few years back, after doing magic as a hobby for some years, I went to attend a 2h course in magic, along with my daughter and a few other people in Québec City. The teacher was great, and made a strong impression on me right from the start. He was patient, nice, skillful & knowledgeable. But most of all, he showed a real passion for magic. After the course, we chatted a little and I told him magic was a fine hobby, but beside a select few, I thought no one could earn a living doing that. I vividly remember him looking at me like I had 2 heads. He answered there were many ways and opportunities to make a living in magic, if you really like it and put in the time and effort. Afterward I gave that some serious thoughts, and not long after that, I started doing magic professionally because of Jean's encouraging words and attitude. Since then, whenever I needed clues about getting started in different fields (strolling, table magic, zoom magic etc) he was always willing to teach and help. I sometime sent him videos for him to criticize or get his point of view.

    "Furthermore, instead of getting discouraged by the pandemic, Jean used the new medium of virtual magic to great success, presenting zoom shows in schools all across Canada.
    Jean Deshaies is my mentor in magic and without his inspiration, I certainly wouldn't be where I am today: still learning, but happy to be a professional magician."

Updated November 27th to add:

Updated November 23rd at 4:20pm to add:

  • Paul Romhany has accepted his nomination by Mike Norden which reads:
    I nominate Paul Romhany!

    "Paul is an amazing magician, and a wonderful human being.

    "First - his Chaplin act is amazing. He’s toured the world with this act and that alone is justification for this award.

    "Second - he has produced dozens of books, tricks and routines for other magicians! Some of the top names in magic use his methods or gimmicks while they compete on shows like AGT or Fool Us!

    "Third - He runs Vanish Magazine! Have you read it? It was free for years and now cost a few pennies lol - it’s filled with Canadians - half of the columnists are local!!

    "Fourth - He supports magic clubs, is on the board of CAM, participates in conventions and lectures - and he is willing to give his shirt off his back - genuinely - for someone in need. He’s the real deal!

    "He does so much for magic and does not seek the spotlight - so let’s shine some light on him this year and vote for him please!"

Updated November 21st at 2:30pm to add:

  • Scott Baird has accepted his nomination by Anonymous which reads:
    I would like to nominate Scott Baird for showcasing his love of magic and art with his detailed magic illustrations on Instagram, and also for deciding to start a new Canadian-made online magic magazine. His magic artwork is FANTASTIC so check it all out - @magicbaird @scottbaird @hermitmagicmag Wishing him the best of luck in all his magical endeavors. "

Updated November 21st at 2pm to add:

  • Chris Gowen has accepted his nomination by Anonymous which reads:
    "I nominate Chris Gowen as he is changing how magic looks in Edmonton. Completely selling out his Taste of Magic shows with the Canadian Brewhouse... seems about as Canadian as a show can get.
    Looks like he's fast on his way to no longer being one of "Edmonton's Best Kept Secrets" but more one of Edmonton's celebrated artists."

Updated November 20th at 10:34am to add:

  • Gwyn Auger has accepted her nomination by Anonymous which reads:
    I'd like to nominate Gwyn Auger, the Magic Assistant (@magicassistant on Twitter and Instagram). Gwyn's petite frame can barely contain the enthusiasm and passion she has for magic and the magic community. She is great ambassador for magic locally in Calgary, in Canada and abroad."

Updated November 18th at 9:40am to add:

  • Graemazing and Ryan Joyce have accepted their nomination by Anonymous and the Merchant of Magic, "for the inspirational Magicians Talking Magic podcast" and for being all around fabulous people!
  • Big thanks to L7W for submitting their nomination.  Unfortunately, the nominee is not eligible for the award.  They are, however, extraordinarily flattered by your lovely comments!  Thank you!

Updated at 12:24pm to add:
  • Team Big Trick Energy (Chris Ramsay, Eric Leclerc, Wes Barker, and Alex Boyer) have accepted their nomination by Unknown which reads:
    "Decisions decisions! For me this year I'd have to give it to the dudes at Big Trick Energy. If I had to pick one of the 4 I would have picked Eric. So maybe this is TWO nominations? I've never met such a carefree, loving and positive human in my life...well (except for maybe the delavegas-sweetpeas). Eric lives magic, epically. His insta stories motivate me to get off my butt.The other guys are also totally awesome as people and performers, and I hope their show propels them and to even bigger things ahead."

The sixth annual Canada's Magic "Readers' Choice Inspirational Canadian Magician of the Year" award nominations are now open.

You may nominate living Canadian Magician(s) of your choosing by leaving their name along with a short note about how they inspired you in 2021, in the comments below.  (Or you may email your nomination.)

Nominations will be accepted up until 11:59PM EST on Friday November the 26th.  We will contact the nominees via email and give them one week to accept or decline their nomination.  If we have not heard from them in that time, we will assume they have declined the nomination.  Submissions will not be published unless a nominee accepts their nomination.    The full list of nominations will be published and voting will commence in December.  (Canada's Magic is not eligible for the award, nor will it be participating in the nomination or voting process.) 

This is a "bragging rights" only contest.  There is no cash value for this award.

Individuals and groups can be nominated.

There is no shortage of Canadian magical inspiration in 2021. 

Some ideas to get you started:
  • The current board of the Canadian Association of Magicians (Renée-Claude Auclair, Greg Frewin, Ryan Joyce, Luc Langevin, Mark Pallin, Paul Romhany, Mike Segal, Jason Verners, and Kent Wong) for their efforts in CAM's recent relaunch and hosting FISM NA.
  • Team Big Trick Energy (Chris Ramsay, Eric Leclerc, Alex Boyer, and Wes Barker) for parlaying their tremendous YouTube engagement skills into a television series.
  • Matt Johnson for going big on America's Got Talent. 
  • Shawn Farquhar for launching his Lost in the Shuffle project with Jon Ornoy.
  • The Toronto Magic Company (Jonah Babins and Ben Train) for launching their brand of UnConventional.Fun.
  • The list goes on ...

(these are not official nominations,
but they can be if you submit their name(s) for nomination!)

We look forward to seeing your nominations!

In the spirit of celebrating all Canadian magicians, 2020's winners of the Readers' Choice award (Carisa Hendrix, Miranda Allen, and Richard Lee) or the Editor's Choice award (Alex Zander) are not eligible for nomination in 2021.  The list of previous winners can be found here.



14 November 2021

Magicana recipient of the 2021 Founders Award

Congratulations to Julie Eng and David Ben!


From the November 8th Tweet by Magicana:

Magicana is the 2021 Founders Award recipient  for “long-standing and exemplary accomplishments in the disciplines of magic collecting & magic history that ... reflect the mission & ideas of the New England Magic Collectors Association.”  Thank you for this tremendous honour!


FISM 2022 Official Judges: Canadian content

Congratulations to the Canadians named as Official Judges for FISM Quebec 2022

Representing Canada:

  • Joan Caesar 
  • Juliana Chen
  • Shawn Farquhar
  • Ryan Joyce
  • Raymond Dionne


See all of the Official Judges at the FISM website.


Ring 17 at the Daily Bread Food Bank

From the October 12th Facebook post by Colin Geddes:

The Hat & Rabbit Club represented at the Daily Bread Food Bank over the weekend! James Alan entertained some of the hard working volunteers who were helping to make a difference for families in the GTA. We are looking forward to more collaborations with this inspiring charity!


13 November 2021

A peek behind the curtain with Marissa Maiorana

A peek behind the curtain with Marissa Maiorana 

Marissa Maiorana is Champions of Magic's resident aerialist as well as a sensational assistant to the magicians.  Learn more about Marissa, in the third of a series of interviews leading up to the Champions of Magic World Wide Wonders Tour shows in Kitchener and Peterborough early next year.

What is your first memory of magic?
When I was really young, maybe around 6, my parents got me a magic kit. I can’t remember what was in there except for this underwhelming color changing lollipop. I thought it was the coolest thing at the time though. I put on performances for family even though I had no idea what I was doing.
What surprised you most about touring with magicians?

As far as the magicians in our show, I was surprised with everyone’s willingness to teach me about magic. I truly love learning new skills and once I learned how it all works it made me respect magic even more.


Marissa Maiorana flying high.
Photo credit: William Balfour, Spectra Experiences. Oshawa 2019.


What is the most annoying thing about touring with magicians?

When I first joined, I had no idea how any of the magic worked and felt so out of the loop. I’m inquisitive by nature and try to find the answers to everything, so you can see how this frustrated me to no end. There were a lot of pranks pulled on me while trying to figure out how the magic was done, but along the way I did get my answers.


Have you learned how to do any magic since you joined Champions of Magic?

I mostly stick to being the woman in the box, there’s a lot of magic involved in being an assistant. I did learn a rubber band trick though, and went down in flames trying to learn card manipulation. If I were to be a magician, I’d probably do escapes since that feels most in line with being an aerialist.


Who inspires you? 

More of a what than a who, but music is my biggest inspiration for what I do. It’s what I base acts around, and it’s one of the main reasons I decided to make performing a career. I’ve never been much good at any of the instruments I’ve tried, so working closely with music every day is the next best thing. For magic, I’ve pulled inspiration from watching videos of Jinger Leigh perform. Her movement quality is absolutely incredible.


In this age of computer and robotic wizardry, why do you think audiences are still drawn to mentalism, sleight of hand, and illusion? 

There’s something about seeing a trick you can’t explain that is highly entertaining. It really does make you believe in magic for a moment. We’ve grown so used to the “magic” of technology that we hardly even question it, but seeing magic performed is always full of surprises. The way it plays tricks on your brain gives you that rush of adrenaline a lot of us are always searching for.



What is it about Champions of Magic that continues to draw large audiences on 6 UK tours and 3 North American tours over the past six years? 

Champions of Magic is constantly evolving and bringing in new and exciting acts. It continues to grow on a larger scale so there is always something new to see even if you see the show more than once. The personality of our cast really shines through, and there is a lot of collaboration between magicians which really sets us apart.



Life on the road isn’t all glory and glamour.  There are tight schedules, never-ending bus rides, questionable accommodations, missed connections, and broken or disappearing props.  Tell us about your most memorable touring misadventure. 

There are constantly little things going wrong on stage. Magic is so detail oriented that there is a lot of room for error. Our crew and cast are top notch at correcting these things though so I doubt the audience would even be able to notice. It can get very stressful, but it’s also part of what keeps the job so new and exciting every night for me. Coming from a dance background where every moment on stage is typically precisely choreographed, it’s been an adjustment but usually a fun one.



You toured with Champions of Magic in Canada in 2019, and 2020.  After a two year absence, what are you most looking forward to on your return to Canada in early 2022?. 

The audience in Canada is some of the best I’ve experienced so I’m definitely looking forward to hearing their reaction to the show after 2 long years. I’m used to LA weather so I can’t say I’m a fan of the cold (at these shows you can find me huddled backstage with a heating pad), but it is a nice change of pace to feel like I’m inside a snow globe.
 Marissa in Mexico with Champions of Magic.
Source: Instagram. 
The Great Pause (COVID Lockdowns)
Did you experience any silver linings? 
While I truly love traveling and touring, it was nice to finally spend some time at home enjoying LA. I haven’t had that much free time in my entire life so it was a nice reset.

What was your comfort binge?
I have an obsession with the reality show Survivor so I spent an embarrassing amount of time binging that. Maybe some day I’ll get on and show Jeff Probst I can Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast. I also read well over 100 books, so binge reading served as the best form of escapism.
Were you able to explore your personal passions?
Because I was finally in one place for a long period of time, I got a LOT of training in. I started cross training more apparatuses (I now do aerial silks, lyra, trapeze, rope, pole, and hammock) and I grew so much as an athlete and artist. I finally had time to work on some personal creative projects as well as working with friends on visions of their own. I also started to train in fire performance with my newfound free time. As of now I do fire eating and fire fans, which has been so fun to learn and add to my list of specialties.

Did The Great Pause allow you to do anything that you wouldn't likely have been able to accomplish if you were touring?

A lot of people around the world started teaching online classes for the first time. Because of this I was able to train with instructors I otherwise wouldn’t have in dance, contortion, hand balancing, and fans.

How did you keep your skills fresh and performance ready?
I rent space frequently to workshop new skills and ideas, so I run my act for Champions of Magic when I’m there to keep it locked in muscle memory. Making changes here and there keeps my performance new and exciting for me.


Was there anything particularly memorable about your first live performance after The Great Pause?

My first time back in the air for an audience I was being annoyingly repetitive to anyone who would listen about how happy I was. Filming and being on a set is great, but the adrenaline rush that comes with performing live is unlike anything else.
What was it like travelling and performing with Champions of Magic in Mexico during the pandemic?
I really enjoyed our time in Mexico. Everyone was so hospitable and the city and shows were a ton of fun. I was initially nervous to be traveling, but they really did everything in their power to keep us and the audience safe.
Have audience reactions to live magic performances changed after Lockdown? 
I’ve been theorizing since the start of the Great Quar (as I call it) that people would be so hungry for live entertainment once shows are able to reopen. I think audiences are more ready than ever to experience the thrill that comes with seeing large scale illusions performed on the big stage.
In September, we learned that Hollie England will be joining the Champions of Magic family.
How will you welcome Hollie into the Champions family?

I’m really looking forward to seeing Hollie in action! I always love watching performances that are new to me and I know she’ll have so much to add to the show.

What advice do you have for Hollie to help her thrive in the Champions family?
The biggest piece of advice that I received when I joined the team was to just be along for the ride and enjoy the experience. I’d pass that along because it’s been a great mental reframe for me when things inevitably get stressful or frustrating. In the end we have some of the best jobs in the world and the rest is just small potatoes.

If you could go back in time to study (magic or otherwise) under anybody, who would you choose to be your mentor?
This is probably a boring answer, but I’m so grateful for the high caliber of coaching I’m able to receive that I can’t think of anyone I would trade for that. The talent of the past were the building blocks for what is able to be taught in the present.
What’s your go-to Karaoke song?

Easy, Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis. I still sound like a dying cat when I sing it but I know the lyrics so well it’s mindless and fun. 
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I may not have had much exposure to magic prior to joining Champions of Magic, but I know it’s something I’ll enjoy long after my time with this show. All of my friends and family that have come to watch haven’t been able to stop talking about how great an experience it was to see the show the first and even second time. 

So looking forward to being back to performing in Canada!


Thank you Marissa, for making the time to answer our questions!

Catch the Champions of Magic in Kitchener and Peterborough early 2022!