If you didn't win, tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.ca
There were some fabulous suggestions made about what you think the most difficult magical effect to take on tour and perform in front of a large audience night after night. Of note:
- The Million Dollar Mystery Illusion
- More than one of you picked Devant's Mascot Moth
- More than one of you picked Vanishing the Statue of Liberty
- More than one of you picked Vanishing Elephant
- Coin effects. You have a small object that can play big if done correctly. Additionally, you're dealing with difficult sleights often to achieve the effect and there is always the fear of dropping or flashing the coin.
- Must be David Copperfield's vanishing audience act. Danger of being sued!!!
- Any drowning escape
- Up close sleight of hand magic
- Making a large object disappear such as a car helicopter or elephant or any other large object
- The Gypsy's Thread. Worst stage trick ever. No one can see it!
- More than one of you were non-magicians
Random draw results from Rafflecopter:
Congratulations James!
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