24 January 2019

Bullock, Mayhew, and Eng in the CBC!

From the January 23rd article "Escape the headlines, find the magic: Why we need the oldest tricks in the book more than ever" by Conor Sweetman in the CBC:
In the 1900s, the silver screen provided some distraction from the news of the World Wars, but it also served as a conduit for propaganda. These days, we similarly struggle to find escapism that isn't tinged with politics. Only now, partisan tension seems to follow us everywhere, beyond the movie theatre and into comedy clubs, sports arenas and  every content-producing corner of the internet.

It's hard to hide from it — all of our open tabs beckon us to dip one more time into what will inevitably put a damper on the day. But what if there were a way to momentarily hush the noise and avoid getting swept away by the deluge of headlines? What if, just for an evening, instead of going into a tailspin of reading, arguing and frantically fact-checking...you allowed yourself to be fooled?

Read more.

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