21 June 2024

Browser's Bash: Getting to know Ian Stewart

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Will you be at the 2024 Browser's Bash on Saturday, July 13, 2024?

We are pleased to have the opportunity to do short interviews with some of this year's performers.  Next in the series is Ian Stewart!

You may already know that Ian:

We're delighted that Ian made time to answer our questions ahead of this year's Bash!


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
Bella, my dog.  She is happy no matter what.  I think we should all try and be like that.  You didn't say a person....
What is your first memory of magic? 

When I was 3 years old a magician came to my play school.  I still remember the paper coils coming out of his mouth.  We all grabbed a piece of it.  He also actually pulled a rabbit out of a hat.  I think that may be the only time I ever actually saw that trick done.

Who from the magic community inspires you?

So Many people.  But currently Jeff McBride is the person I'm looking up to the most.  His abilities in so many areas of magic, as well as his ability to teach it to others is mind blowing!


Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

No,  Not really.  I grew up in Nova Scotia.  We had very little in the way of magic.  But, my grandfather lived next door to this John Talbot guy who did magic.  He was kind enough to share information and loansome books.  This kick started me getting more seriously into magic.

Ian Stewart

Ian Stewart

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
I never did.  For many years I concentrated on my juggling and hypnosis shows.  But I never actually quit magic.  It's always been a huge part of my life.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
I actually don't think I have any.  I do like putting a cheque into the bank machine after a show!

What are you most looking forward to about participating in the 2024 Browser's Bash?
I'm unknown to most magicians.  I've been hidden away on the East Coast and as a full time single dad I've rarely had time to socialize with magicians from outside of the East Coast.  Now that my boy his a bit older and I can travel again, I'm excited to meet more magicians!



Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

I'm excited to see everyone!



Thank you Ian for making the time to answer our questions!  We look forward to seeing you at this year's Bash!

Learn more about Ian Stewart at his website IanStewart.info and follow him on Facebook and Instagram


Visit the Browser's Den of Magic website to buy your ticket and learn more about this year's Bash!  See you on Saturday, July 13, 2024!




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