16 December 2011

Johnny Giordmaine: new contributions

From John Pellatt, creator of the "A Tribute to John Giordmaine" website:
JohnGiordmaine.com, the on line tribute to the late Canadian children's magician Johnny Giordmaine, has just posted a couple new pages for your magical holiday reading... featured are Ring 17 past prez Bob Taylor's recollections; photos from the 1961 Abbott Magic Get Together (one with the famous Harry Blackstone, Sr); and memories of the legendary Arcade Magic and Novelty Shop's closing (where Johnny once worked). The site now includes over 29 pages of unique photos and text.

New contributions are always welcome.

Link: http://www.johngiordmaine.co

15 December 2011

Toronto: Joe Culpepper’s Exits and Entrances at the New Gendai Workstation

From The Toronto Review of Books:
In his performance art–magic act Exits and Entrances, performed Friday 25 November at New Gendai Workstation, Joe Culpepper explored thresholds as places of illusion—“liminal boundaries,” he notes, “that separate the inside from the outside; the interior from the exterior.” Thresholds are also boundaries that invite us to cross over; they mark a space between, even as they reveal what lies just beyond.


The gallery will be exhibiting the aftermath of the performance space as an installation from 13 December to 17 December (11.00AM to 6.00PM).  Footage of Exits and Entrances will be projected onto the gallery walls for any visitors who wish to see a recording of the event while standing in its traces and remnants.  New Gendai Workstation is an open gallery and there is no cost for admission.

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St. Catharines: Alex Kazam's Dirty Dealings

From the Facebook page "Alex Kazam Presents: Dirty Dealings":
You're invited: $1,000 can be gained (see below) in this evening of lies, deceptions, exposed truths, psychological illusions, comedy and of course: magic.

Alex Kazam will be doing a combination of pseudo-mind reading, exposing some truths about charlatans' ways, combined with a side of his usual magically comedic trimmings that have got him on T.V, the radio, in newspapers, and believe it, or not, in TWEETS, and myspace statuses: across North-America.

Expect the unexpected: There aren't any rabbits, bunnies, and\or hares in this show.

Sunday, 18 December 2011 at Mahtay Café & Lounge
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14 December 2011

Lothar Malmberg in The Strathmore Standard

From The Strathmore Standard:
If there's something unusual, unexplainable but strangely fantastic going on in Rosebud, chances are it's the work of Lothar Malmberg, professional magician. Lothar is a professional magician who has been working out of the area for almost 20 years, and has been honing his magic craft for over 30.

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