06 November 2012

Winnipeg on Demand: Pick a card, any card

From the MediaCircus.TV Facebook page:
Here is the long synopisis for "Pick a Card, Any Card", coming soon to MTS Winnipeg on Demand.

- The City of Winnipeg has a rich history in the art of Magic. From the founding of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (I.B.M.) in 1922, , to modern day successes like Dean Gunnarson and Sean Fields; Winnipeg and the world of magic have grown together to form a charming relationship.

Over a light dinner and wine, Winnipeg magicians Anders, Greg Wood, Gord Gilbey, Ray Starr, Chris Funk and Sean Fields tell stories of Winnipeg magic; how Harry Houdini played a part in the founding of the I.B.M., how Philips Magical Paradise was founded out of tragedy, which Winnipegger worked on Criss Angels "Mindfreak", and other fascinating tales.

Read more.


  1. Really good documentary. Scott did a great job.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Daniel!

    Hopefully one day the show will be available to a wider audience.
