26 September 2012

Maple Ridge: Secrets with Shawn Farquhar

From the Maple Ridge News:

"Most people think magic is all about the secrets," says Farquhar, who is from Maillardville, Coquitlam but now lives in Maple Ridge.

"The real secret is: magic is in believing. If I told you how it works, you probably wouldn't believe me anyway."

Read more.

Celebrate Canada Culture Day and The ACT's 10th Anniversary season launch on Saturday, Sept. 29.

At 4 p.m. the ACT's new season begins with Secrets, a show by Maple Ridge resident and world renowned magician Shawn Farquhar

25 September 2012

Alex Kazam's Braingasm podcast

From The Braingasm Podcast:
We began as we do every week by blaming art for all of the world’s problems.

This episode is an hour and a quarter conversation between Ben and Alex that covers topics as wild and varied as their views of show business, why magicians hate psychics, Alex’s history as a performer and a man, the importance of branding in the 21st century entertainment industry, and the Carson Couch. All the while the two were cracking jokes and keeping things fun and light while also being thought provoking and deep.

Read more and listen to the podcast.

24 September 2012

Bill Abbott: Pack smart, play anywhere

  • Sept 29th to add Hamilton
  • Sept 26th to add Buffalo appearance. 
  • Sept 25th to add London appearance.

In October, Bill Abbott will be presenting his lecture "Pack smart, play anywhere" in Buffalo (the 1st), Toronto (the 4th), London (the 10th), Montreal (the 15th), Ottawa (the 16th) and Hamilton (Oct 18th).

[h/t: magicinfo.ca]

19 September 2012

Lance Pierce November lectures

Lance Pierce will be lecturing in Canada this November.

The according to to the X-elent Lecture Series website Lance's lecture dates are:
He'll be wrapping up the lecture tour with dates in the US (Seattle, Eugene and Portland).

Please confirm details about dates, times and locations by contacting each club directly.

18 September 2012

Keith Hunter: One of Canada's eldest practicing magicians

From Orangeville.com:
After celebrating his 85th birthday, Orangeville’s Keith Hunter is being heralded as one of Canada’s eldest practicing magicians.

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not, but that’s the way it seems to be,” Hunter said.

Read more.

In the article, it says "At age 70, Hunter turned to magic.

I guess there's still time for me to jump into the game!

17 September 2012

Eric Leclerc at Dilli Haat Magic Festival

From the Deccan Herald:
"It is something you perfect after a series of failures, one must never fail to impress the viewer and the trade of magic is how well you can do that," says Eric Leclerc, a magician who flew down from Canada.

Leclerc who has been entertaining since he was a nine- year-old boy says, "My first audience was my mother, who gifted me a magic set during Christmas and I practiced with it until the day I stunned her with by a trick. That  was when I first became a magician."

However, he feels magic is a dying art.

Read more.