19 June 2024

Browser's Bash: Getting to know Dick Joiner

Browser's Bash logo  

Will you be at the 2024 Browser's Bash on Saturday, July 13, 2024?

We are pleased to have the opportunity to do short interviews with some of this year's performers.  Next in the series is Dick Joiner!


You may already know that Dick:

  • Attended Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp for 18 years, and
  • Presented touring magic shows across Canada for 30+ years (Fantasy Magic and Holiday Magic).

We're delighted that Dick made time to answer our questions ahead of this year's Bash!


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
The significant others who support the magical fraternity and suffer our constant barrage of "Let me show you a new trick."
What is your first memory of magic? 

I was born and raised in England and saw my first magician at about the age of 12 years. It was at an office party celebrating the holiday season. The magician performed such mysteries as the die box and square circle. The presentation was aimed at children younger than myself and although it peaked my curiosity I was not overly impressed. It was not until I was in my later 20's when living in Canada that I became interested in this magical form of entertainment.

Who from the magic community inspires you?

I am always in awe of those performers who continue to provide inspiring
entertainment and to those with magical knowledge who pass that knowledge on the up and coming generation. The list of names could be endless and I would hate to miss anyone out.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with some fabulous people over the years. In the local club circuit it would be impossible for me not to mention past members Sid Lorraine, Bruce Posgate, The Wacky Wizard Jack Bateman, Magic stores of Morrisey Magic under the leadership of Herb, and The Browser's Den under the leadership of Len [Cooper] and now Jeff [Pinsky]. Magic Camps.... The one and only Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp under the leadership of Mike and Jen [Segal].

International performers Michael Ammar, David Copperfield, Jaun Tamariz, plus Terry Seabooke, and so many more.

Our centurion... GORDON PRECIOUS (always presenting his latest miracle).

Dick Joiner

Dick Joiner

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
Slow times make you wonder about why you are doing what you are doing. I have always been fortunate enough (at least in my earlier days) to always have something come-up at the last minute.... A cruise ship offer, a tour with Bobby Vinton or Bobby Curtola as an opening act, a long running dinner cabaret show, etc etc. Great agents that believe in you can certainly make booking gigs so much easier.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
Arrive early at the performance site is a MUST FOR ME. It also became a MUST for any of the cast we had performing over the thirty plus years I was presenting either "Fantasy Magic" or "Holiday Magic" show tours across Canada. It is also a great concern to me that we give the client 110% effort on the show and provide for them what they envisioned the show to be.

What are you most looking forward to about participating in the 2024 Browser's Bash?
Restarting what BROWSERS DEN had started before C19. This is a great get together of a very talented community and a wonderful opportunity to learn more about either a chosen hobby or career. Friendships are re kindled and n friendships made.


Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?




Thank you Dick for making the time to answer our questions!  We look forward to seeing you at this year's Bash!

To learn more about Dick Joiner follow him on Facebook


Visit the Browser's Den of Magic website to buy your ticket and learn more about this year's Bash!  See you on Saturday, July 13, 2024!




18 June 2024

2024 Canadian Rising Star

Congratulations to Gabriella Lester for winning the Allan Slaight Canadian Rising Star award!  


From the June 17th Instagram post by Magicana:

The Slaight Family Foundation founded the Allan Slaight Awards a decade ago to celebrate magic as an art. As we kick off this week of celebration, we are delighted to congratulate GABRIELLA LESTER as this year’s Canadian Rising Star!






17 June 2024

Browser's Bash: Getting to know Ben Train

Browser's Bash logo  

Will you be at the 2024 Browser's Bash on Saturday, July 13, 2024?

We are pleased to have the opportunity to do short interviews with some of this year's performers.  Next in the series is Ben Train!

You may already know that Ben:

We're delighted that Ben made time to answer our questions ahead of this year's Bash!


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
Is it too cheesy if I say "my dad"? 'Cause I think he's pretty awesome...

I'm inspired by artists, athletes, writers, politicians, activists, etc. Instead of listing any... you can talk to me and ask. :)
What is your first memory of magic? 

When I was 8 years old my parents took me to the Browser's Den as a reward for doing well (or doing better than I normally did) at school. I'm sure I saw a lot of magic that day, but the one I remember most vividly was the Mismade Queen - a scaled down close up version of the famous ZigZag illusion. I loved that trick, and ended up playing with it so much that I wore out the cards that came with it!

Who from the magic community inspires you?

Rather than give you specific names, I'll break it down into the two types of magicians that inspire me. 

First are the people who focus on growing and building up their local communities. These are the volunteers at magic clubs, the ones that provide spaces for their fellow performers to try things, the ones that organize regular jams and hangouts. I see the Ottawa magic community as an example of people doing this really well. 

The other type of magicians that inspire me are the ones NOT involved in their local communities directly - the ones that just focus on making their own magic as good as they can possibly make it. These are the people inventing new tricks, performing kick-ass magic, and making magic better simply by being GOOD.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

Sure! In chronological order:

1. Jeff Pinsky made me feel welcomed into the world of magic.
2. Steve Forte and Dai Vernon (videos/books) helped me fall in love with learning magic.
3. Sorcerers Safari gave me the confidence to start sharing magic.
4. Bill Abbott and Bobby Motta made me want to be a full-time performer. 
5. All the amazing friends over the years that inspired me, and continue inspiring me, to keep working on getting better!

Ben Train

Ben Train

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
God. All the freaking time. I think about shows that went wrong. Audiences that didn't seem to care about what I was sharing. About how bad I am compared to other performers I know. About how useless, in the grand scheme of things, what I do is.

But then I take a breath and remember why I LOVE what I do. About how happy it makes people when I'm able to connect with an audience. About how good I feel when a show goes well. 

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
First and foremost, I set the stage with everything I need for the show and then double check it’s all there and where I need it to be.

Next, I do a quick walk-through of how I want the show to run. This means preplanning where I’m calling audience members from, how long it’ll take people to get on stage, where I’m entering and leaving the stage, etc.

Depending on my mood and the event I might be interacting with the audience before the show or “hiding”, but either way I’m trying to get psyched up for the show. I remind myself I don’t HAVE to be doing this - but rather I GET to do it. And I remember how much I enjoy sharing magic, making people laugh, and connecting with people.

Then I take a big pre-show poop and hit the stage.

What are you most looking forward to about participating in the 2024 Browser's Bash?
I love seeing friends and meeting new people… but if I’m being honest what I’m looking forward to the most is seeing dope magic. 

Do you have a favourite Browser's Bash memory?



Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Nothing makes me happier than seeing magic. So if you’re coming to the Bash I would be DELIGHTED if you show me a trick. .



Thank you Ben for making the time to answer our questions!  We look forward to seeing you at this year's Bash!

Learn more about Ben Train by visiting TorontoMagicCompany.com and follow him on Facebook and Instagram


Visit the Browser's Den of Magic website to buy your ticket and learn more about this year's Bash!  See you on Saturday, July 13, 2024!




03 June 2024

CAM Members: Save on performer's liability insurance

From the June 2nd Facebook post by the Canadian Association of Magicians:

*   EXCLUSVE: Huge Savings for CAM Members on Performer’s Insurance
*   Save 20% on annual insurance premiums with BOTH $2 million and $5 million options
*   Available to CAM Members in EVERY province

Special thanks to Peter Mennie for spearheading this project and all of the executive of CAM for this exclusive opportunity for CAM members! 





02 June 2024

Broken wand: David Johnson

Many of you may remember that David created and ran the Kingston Magic Theatre.  He was a friend to the blog, and we've heard from our readers that he was extremely talented.

Our sincere condolences to David's wife Lindsey, their two children, and their extended family and friends at this difficult time. 


From Tribute Archive:

The world is left with a little less magic as we announce the passing of David William Johnson, an incredible husband, loving father, brother, son, uncle, dear friend, magician and soldier.

David was a proud member of the Canadian Armed Forces and a remarkable Magician at Kingston Magic Theatre and all over eastern Ontario and the world.

David lived his life to the fullest every day with no regret, and encouraged those around him to do the same. David brought astonishment and wonder to others with a deck of Bicycle playing cards and his ability to make a connection with anyone through a sense of shared wonder. David was rarely seen without cards in his hands, and although he was Sgt Johnson, most referred to him as the Magic Man.

David was a wonderful, loving husband and father who cherished his family. He will always and forever be loved and missed by his beloved wife of 16 years Lindsey and their two beautiful children Nicholas and Katie. David was predeceased by his father David Ricardo Kellar (Debra), mother-in-law Elizabeth Hamilton (Reginald), and brother Byron Grant Kellar (Jenni). David will fondly be remembered by his mother Margaret Lutes (John) and siblings Lucas Kellar (Nicole), Satara (Kid) Stephens (Johnny), Lance Kellar (Leah), father-in-law Bruce Black (Sandi), sister-in-law Vanessa Black, and brother-in-law Chad Hamilton (Kaitlyn). David’s many nieces and nephews will always remember the enchantment that their uncle David shared through magic tricks and the family gatherings that always included HOTDOGS on the bbq and pepperoni pizza.

David passed away at Kingston General Hospital with Lindsey by his side, on Friday May 24th, 2024 at the age of 47 after a short battle with cancer that did not allow any mercy

In loving memory of David, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or to Veterans and Everyday Heroes First Responders (DONATIONS for our initiatives can be e-transferred to donations@v-eh.ca or by scanning the QR Code on their website under sponsorship) would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements in the care of Wartman Funeral Home - Kingston 

Read more.



[With thanks to Ian Crawford for letting us know.]






31 May 2024

Browser's Bash: Getting to know Jeff Hinchliffe

Browser's Bash logo  

The 2024 Browser's Bash is on Saturday, July 13, 2024!

We are pleased to have the opportunity to do short interviews with some of this year's performers.  Next in the series is Jeff Hinchliffe!


You may already know that Jeff:

We're delighted that Jeff made time to answer our questions ahead of this year's Bash!


Who inspires you that is not a magician?
I find inspiration more in ideas than in people. So I'll read philosophy, science, art, history and look for inspiration there.
What is your first memory of magic? 

My first memory of magic is my dad dressing up as a magician for my 5th or 6th birthday party, and trying to perform a bunch of tricks from a magic set. I distinctly remember one kid heckling my dad quite well.

Who from the magic community inspires you?

Honestly, not one person in particular. But when I see young magicians starting to really develop their magic, and when I see younger guys that are making a go of it, performing public shows, it helps rekindle that early passion and love.

Was there anyone or anything instrumental to you becoming a magician?

I bought a Svengali deck from the booth that Browser's used to operate at Wonderland in 1996. I got my wooden nickel for a free trick from the shop at Bathurst & Eglinton. I took in my nickel, got my free trick, and my life was changed forever.

Jeff Hinchliffe

'Young' Jeff

Did you ever get discouraged and think about quitting magic?  
I didn't just get discouraged, I did quit magic for 5 years. I came back in 2017. What encouraged me to come back was living in the real world for 5 years lol.

Do you have any tour or pre-show rituals you’d be willing to share with our readers?
I personally do not have any pre-show rituals.

What are you most looking forward to about participating in the 2024 Browser's Bash?
Being on the stage and performing again (my last performance on the Bash stage was at the 1st Browser's Bash).

  Do you have a favourite Browser's Bash memory?  

My favourite memory is when Michael Ammar and Eugene Burger told us that the Bash was unlike any other convention they had attended. They could feel the difference in the room.  



Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Get ready, the next few weeks are gonna fly by!



Thank you Jeff for making the time to answer our questions!  We look forward to seeing you at this year's Bash!

Follow Jeff Hinchliffe on Facebook and Instagram


Visit the Browser's Den of Magic website to buy your ticket and learn more about this year's Bash!  See you on Saturday, July 13, 2024!




Top 5 posts in May 2024

There were 28 posts at Canada's Magic this month.  Here are the five most viewed posts in the past 30 days:   

5. Montreal: Bao Hoang at the Time Out Market [May 24] - Did you go?  It looked like great fun on Bao's socials!

4. Chris Ramsay's short film "The Paradox of Plenty" - So true.  Well done Chris!

3. Canada's Got Talent: Getting to know Mark Lewis - Just who is Mark Lewis?  Inquiring minds want to know!
2. Random thoughts about "Alex McAleer - Mind Reader" - Always an absolute treat to watch Alex in action!




and the most viewed posts this month  ...

1.  Canada's Got Talent: Getting to know Mark Clearview - Congratulations Mark, on your top 4 finish!