Thanks to you wonderful people who have supported
this project!
For free, we've published over 5,130 posts, and served well over 1,261,000 page loads. Six hundred and forty two of you follow us on Facebook, 1598 of you follow us on Twitter, 341 of you have found us on Instagram, we just set up shop at Mastodon, and a bunch of you have subscribed to this site's RSS feed.
The bulk of you are Canadian, and we're delighted to see visitors from
United States, the United Kingdom, India, France, and the list goes on.
There are so many of you doing such a fabulous job of making magic a priority in this great country!
A special thanks to:
- All of my early supporters. Special shout outs to Ariel, Doug, James, and John for your continued encouragement.
- All of you readers, Likers, RTers, submitters, guest posters,
contest prize providers and all other manner of promoters of this site.
- All of my sponsors, past and present. That means you: Magic Information Canada, Ryan Pilling, Clive Court, Perfect Magic, The Browser's Den of Magic, The Amazing Corbin, Michael Close, Daniel Sugar, Ty Reveen, The Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop, Tips and Tricks for Magicians and Magicians Talking Magic Podcast!
- All of the blog's official friends, past and present. That's you: John Smithman, John Harrison, Richard Lyn, Joan Caesar, Ted & Marion Outerbridge, Ian Crawford, Owen Anderson, Ryan Pilling, Matt DiSero, James Renoire, Gwyn Auger, Jason Maiuri, Doug Hunt, David Johnson, Richard Hough, Robin Dawes, Eric Bedard, Loran, Cam Dix, Peter Mennie, Gordon Precious, Colin Geddes, Graeme Reed, Chris Gowen, Jokers, George Blott, and Noah Nogueira.
- All of the fabulous people that have offered up contest prizes for our readers through the years: James Alan, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, Orca Book Publishers, The Bloor Cinema, Chris Westfall, Gwyn Auger, Sheldon Casavant, The Outerbridges, Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Champions of Magic, the Toronto Magic Company, the EldritchTheatre, Michael Close Magic, Perfect Magic, and The Browser's Den of Magic.
- The wonderful wordsmiths that have guest posted here including: Ariel Frailich, The Magic Demon, Kidlet, Clive Court, James Alan, Killarney Sheffield, Ian Crawford, Erin Thomas, Ring 99, Dennis Schick, Phil Matlin, and Gordon Precious.
- And especially, my family for their support of this bloggy experiment.
My continued thanks to all of you!
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